Kageyama Tobio x Reader

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Being in a relationship with the King of court, Kageyama Tobio, was a rollercoaster ride. He may look like an angry blueberry most of the time but deep inside he's just an awkward kid that doesn't seem to know how to interact well. When you first confessed to him, he looked shocked then turned very red but thank God he said yes.

Looking back, The team, especially Tanaka, Noya, Hinata and Tsukishima spied on you guys and took some pics. Let's say Kageyama's blushing face was the picture of the group chat. They were making jokes such as Kageyama looked constipated or looked like he was gonna pass out any moment. Kageyama would bite back and finally had enough of it. After turning off his phone. He remembered that he got your number a while ago. He texted you good night and went to bed.

You were doing your homeworks as your phone buzzed. Checking it, it was your boyfriend. You smiled and replied "good night Kags ❤" and you smiled at the message. You can't believe he said yes. You had your eyes on him since the opening ceremony. His jet black hair and blue eyes caught your attention. Sadly both of you were in different classes.

As days went on, you made friends and grew close to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi who were sitting behind and beside you. They invited you to watch their practice match and that's where you saw your crush again. You asked them what's his name and what his class is. Tsukishima glared at you and told you not to get close to the king and walked away grumbling something like 'out of all the boys why him'. You tilted your head in confusion. "He's just being over protective (f/n)-chan. I'll introduce you after practice. Do you want to wait for us?" Yamaguchi said as your eyes widened and nodded.

As promised, you waited for both of them to finish practice, you were at the library doing your homework as you checked the time, it was almost 7 and the library was about to close. You packed up your things and began to walk to the volleyball gym. As you arrived, the practice ended. You greeted and bowed at the senpai's who were coming out of the gym. Yamaguchi saw you and called you over. He was with Kageyama and you blushed.

"Kageyama this is (y/n), our friend. (F/n) this is Kageyama Tobio" Yamaguchi introduced you. You gulped and held out a hand for him to shake "nice to meet you Kageyama-kun" you smiled as he blushed and grabbed your hand. You both blushed until Tsukishima slapped his hand away and Hinata along with the troublesome duo, Tanaka and Nishinoya popped up beside both of you and also introduced themselves.

The seniors looked at the little scene and grinned at one another. "Will I see a couple form before I graduate?" Suga said smiling at Kageyama who's blushing. "I hope so. I'm looking forward to it." Kiyoko said giggling. Asahi and Daichi just smiled and nodded. Tsukishima was shielding you from them as you peeked behind him looking at Kageyama who gave you a small smile and you smiled back at him. Tsukishima then pulled you out the gym. You waved at them good bye as Yamaguchi joined you both.

"Oof! I smell drama" Suga said smirking looking at a frowning Kageyama. "A love triangle I see" Kiyoko added. "Hey don't get involved. Behave yourself Suga" Daichi said and Suga pouted "I'm not". Asahi shook his head and looked at Kageyama who was looking at your retreating figure. Days passed and you grew close to the team. Kiyoko even invited you to be a manager but too bad you were a part of the student council so it would be hard for you to be a manager and a student council at the same time but you would help the team from time to time whenever you're free.

Kageyama had started paying more attention to you. It's like everywhere he goes he would see you and he'll look at you until you looked back at him and smile. He'd turn his head and blush. You'd giggle as you could see his ears turning red. It was a good sign for you since you were intrested in him too. Tsuki would always click his tongue at you as Yamaguchi would shake his head. 

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