Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader

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~A/n: this is the last part of Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader :)


You fell asleep again only to be awoken by a knock on your door, your eyes could barely open since it was so puffy from crying. "Who is it this time? I already told them to leave me alone for today" you murmured. When you opened the door it was Kuroo. You rubbed your eyes first thinking it was an illusion or something but then he grabbed you and hugged you. "I'm sorry" he murmured as you felt tears fell again. He pushed you inside and closed the door to your apartment. He carried you to the sofa and placed you on his lap as you hugged him tight and cried. "I'm sorry love. I was just..." he said and you sobbed loudly causing him to tear up too. "Iloveyou. I'm sorry for not being careful Tetsu" you murmured and he held you tight. "It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry for breaking up with you. please come back" he said as his voiced cracked and you can feel your shoulders began to feel wet. You both were a mess. You pushed him away to look at his face. He had dark circles under his eyes and it's as puffy as yours. You bump your forehead to his. "ImissedyouKitten" he murmured before kissing you and let's say you had a steamy night.

Morning came and woke up in the arms of your boyfriend, "It wasn't a dream" you whispered as you felt a dull pain under there and you blushed. He answered "It wasn't" you looked up to see him smiling "Good morning Kitten" he said kissing your forehead. You greeted back and told him to shower since both of you will be going sightseeing since he tagged along with Kenma who planned to have a vacation with Hinata here. You posted a picture of you, Kenma, Hinata and Kuroo with the caption, missed this guys so much. There were a lot of comments asking who were the ones in the picture. Then you posted a picture of you and Kuroo with a caption "Mi Amore" then there were a lot of support and talks about the 'long term boyfriend' you had and the issue regarding you and the actor was false.

By the end of the week, It was time for them to return back home to Japan, you hugged Kenma and Kuroo for the last time before seeing them off. "Just 3 more years Tetsu. Please be more patient" he nodded "I'll be waiting for you Kitten. Iloveyou" you whispered an 'iloveyoutoo' before he kissed you and you waved your hand at them as they boarded the plane. The internet was full of you and Kuroo some pictures with Kenma and Hinata as well. Fans were going crazy and you giggled. That was the end of your career as a model and you concentrated on your Doctorate course and after 2 years, you began your apprenticeship.

Now here you are, on a plane back to Japan. I can't wait to see him. It's been more than three years. Just a few more minutes to land. As the plane landed, you grabbed your luggage and as you walked out the airport, you were welcomed by Kai and Kenma. You ran towards them and gave them a hug. "are you ready for tonight?" Kai said as he drove to the resort the team will be staying. You giggled "Yeah. I can't wait" you said as you looked at the familiar scene outside the car window. You arrived at the resort and checked in. Almost everyone was there except for Kuroo who was still travelling.

You laid in bed for a while then decided to take out the bikini you bought a while back and went to the shower to wash up since you were sticky from sweat. Kuroo arrived and Kenma texted him that he was at room 302, he proceeded upstairs and Kenma was on his laptop while Kai was on the bed browsing through his phone. They both looked up as they saw the birthday boy entering. "Happy birthday Kuroo!" Kai greeted giving him a hug. "Thanks Kai". "HAppy birthday Kuroo" get ready we're going down stairs. I want to go to the pool. I heard there's a bar there that serves strong drinks" Kuroo looked at him surprised "I need a damn bottle" Kenma said looking like a zombie. Kuroo facepalmed "Kenma... No..." He said and grabbed some clothes from his bag and proceed to the bathroom.

Kenma texted you that they will be going down in a bit. You were done and put your hair into a ponytail. Checking yourself in the mirror, you smiled. "I look sexy. lol" you giggled and grabbed your cellphone, keys and your boyfriend's cake. Kuroo, KEnma and Kai went to the pool deck to be surprised by the team and some close friends. He smiled brightly at them as they sang him a happy birthday song. Then he heard your voice and whipped his head at the side, he saw you carrying a cake and smiling "Happy birthday to you~" you looked at him ang giggled "What are you waiting for dummy? Blow the candle" he was speechless, he began to sob and everyone laughed.

You approached him and put the cake in front of him. "Make a wish" you said and he wiped the tears on his face "It already came true" he murmured and blew the candle. Everyone cheered and the food was being served since it was almost dinner time. Yaku grabbed the cake from you and as you let go of the cake, your boyfriend embraced you tightly "I thought you said you won't be able to come home on my birthday" He murmured "Surprise Tetsu!" You smiled brightly at him as he leaned down and gave you a long deep kiss. Both of you could hear whisles and 'get a room' or 'my poor eyes' you parted and laughed.

All of you enjoyed the day but with Bokuto, Hinata, Lev and of course your boyfriend, there would never be a 'safe' gathering. Hinata did a cannonball on the pool and Tsuki who was chilling on the dinosaur floaty flipped over, when he raised his head and coughed water, Bokuto and Lev followed with a cannonball almost drowning the poor blonde. You could hear Yaku growling at Lev while you saw Akaashi sigh and faceplamed. You were wih Kenma in the Jacuzzi chilling and drinking your wine. "Uh-oh" you murmured as you saw your boyfriend running then jumping into the pool. You could hear Bokuto shout "Bro!! Tsuki is below you" before he body slammed Tsuki on the pool,

Let's just say Tsuki roared at the four of them with Yaku and Akaashi clicking their tongue having enough of their childishness, you and Kenma just looked at each other and drunk your wines in one gulp "Well not our problem" you both muttered and you poured Kenma another glass of wine. The party ended with you being carried by Kuroo to your room cause you had too much to drink. He placed you onto the bed and was about to go to the shower when you pulled him back and he toppled over you. He panicked and looked at you "Are you hurt? Why did you pu-" he didn't finish his sentence when you smashed your lips to his.

You both shared a long kiss then it became a needy one until all of your clothes were discarded on the floor with moans echoing throughout the room. You both had a great night and Kuroo had the best birthday ever. Morning came and he looked at your sleeping figure on top of him. He grabbed his bag that magically appeared in the room that night knowing he left it at Kenma's room but he didn't mind. He carefully rummaged through it without bothering your sleep and got a red velvet box, he opened it and took the diamond ring, slipping it on your finger.

Kissing your forehead, you hummed and snuggled closer to the male earning a chuckle from him. You woke up with a splitting headache. You grumbled, "I'm never drinking with Kenma again" you furrowed your eyebrows when you felt the bed was cold then heard the shower turning on, checking the time it was almost 9:30, you grabbed the sheets as you were naked but froze when you saw a diamond ring on your finger as you felt tears form in your eyes. You got up and went to the bathroom, thankfully he didn't lock it. He was showering and you entered with him, holding him by the waist. He chuckled and turned to you.

"Good morning future Mrs. Kuroo" he then kissed your forehead, you let the tears fall as he chuckled holding you tight "I have always loved you ever since we were younger, we may have our ups and downs and we often fight but I will never ever let you go. Not now, not ever. (l/n) (f/n) will you be my wife?" he said and you nodded. "Iloveyoukitten" he murmured then connected your lips, it was a soft gentle kiss and you could feel him smile in the kiss. As you both parted you smiled brightly at him "once again, please take care of me my future husband" you said as he hugged you tight and somehow it ended with a morning sex in the shower.

Friends and family congratulated you both and you posted a picture of your ring with the Kuroo at the beach as a background. The caption was "Finally gonna tie the knot" a lot of comments congratulated you. Those from the company, your fellow models and doctors, your teachers in your college and mentors in the modeling industry some of the actors you've worked with during your stay abroad. It was a happy event. After a few months you were now, Mrs. Kuroo (f/n) and was pregnant with twins. That's your happily ever after with your high school sweetheart.

~A/N: how'd you like the final chapter? :)

(f/n) first name

(l/n) last name

Italics - thoughts

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