Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader

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You've been addicted to one show for a while now. Watching it over and over, even saving specific scenes and watching it before you sleep. Leaving no attention left for your boyfriend. He was growing impatient and jealous even if that character is nonexistent. Just like Kenma and his games, you are like that with the latest anime show, Jujutsu Kaisen. You've been simping over Gojo Satoru, Inumaki Toge and Sukuna.

Kuroo felt dejected when you rejected his invitation for a date since the new episode of Jujutsu Kaisen was about to air and you need to watch it at the exact date of the release. He went to his best friends and asked for an advice regarding you. "What am I supposed to do? How can I get her attention?" he asked desperately. Bokuto patted his shoulder "Cheer up bro. Just do your shit and you'll be fine" he said smiling. "I did! I freaking did everything! But... but-" he didn't finish before throwing a tantrum again.

"Shut up! I can't concentrate in playing my game" Kenma grumbled and Kuroo stopped and look at Kenma with tears in his eyes. "Even Kenma doesn't want to give me his attention" he threw a tantrum again only to be smacked by a pillow. "I said, SHUT UP" Kenma growled out and he quieted down as tears fell from his eyes. "Don't cry bro! you'll make me cry too" Bokuto said pouting and was about to cry too. Akaashi who was looking at the sorry scene in front of him sighed. "Kenma can you please pause your game first?" He asked and the pudding head sighed and nodded.

After pausing his game, he looked at the fools beside him that were currently crying. He snapped a pic and sent it to you with a caption "Hey (f/n)! can you please collect your trash at my place?" and sent another text " *boyfriend sorry. Auto correct" he then looked at Akaashi who was facepalming as he tried to comfort Bokuto who only cried harder saying his bro is hurt and he feels useless cause he can't do anything for him. He was about to call Kuroo when his phone vibrated.

"Why is my trash crying?" you replied. Followed by another text "*boyfriend" Kenma chuckled. That's why you and him clicked from the very moment you walked into the classroom cause you're both geeks and you both love to bully Kuroo. "He says you're neglecting him too much" he replied and an instant reply was received "Oh really? I didn't know since we've been together everyday at school. We're only apart during Saturday and Sunday" Kenma facepalmed. How is he so needy? He then texted you to come pick him up and you replied 'I'll be there in 20' then he replied with an 'okay take care' and closed his phone.

"Hey Kuroo. What's really the problem? I don't think she's neglecting you since we're always together at school and even at practice she waits for us to finish" Kenma said raising an eyebrow. Kuroo looked at him and sniffed "Cause she wouldn't spend her weekends with me and... and if I'm at her house she gives all her attention to some fictional characters who she labels as HOT & SEXY" he grumbled. "Like, I'm right here, aren't I? Why would she choose those nonexistent bastards than me???" he was close to losing it again. "Then tell her you want her attention too. I'm sure she'll give it to you" Akaashi said seriously. "It's not like she doesn't love you anymore since she found someone else. Right?" Bokuto added.

They all looked at Bokuto with a 'WTF' face. "What?" he asked confused before Kuroo had another tantrum sobbing that he was replaced. "Bokuto-san..." Akaashi looked at his partner like he was stupid while Kenma facepalmed, tired of this shit. When will she come? I want to continue playing my game. Kenma thought checking his phone which has 2 unread messages. He opened it and it was from you saying you're near his place and that to tell Kuroo to get ready to head out once you arrive. Kenma sighed in relief, if he would still be exposed to this stupidity any longer, he too will go ballistic.

The doorbell rang and he rushed to open it. He saw you with a box of apple pie and his eyes sparkled. You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for looking after my boyfriend Ken-Ken. Here's an apple pie as a reward for keeping your shit together" you smiled and he hugged you tight. "I was close to losing it" he murmured. Then both of you flinched when you heard a shout. "AH! YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH KENMA?! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP!!!" Your boyfriend shouted. You sighed, You went beside him and pulled his ear. "We're going now. Thank you for looking after him." You said smiling at the three who waved you good bye, scared to mutter something stupid.

"Ouch! Ouch! Let go (f/n)! Please!!" he begged and you sighed letting his ear go and placed your arms on your waist "behave yourself or we're not going on a date" you said and his ears perked. He hugged you and kissed you all over your face. You giggled and pulled him for a kiss on the lips. "Sorry for neglecting you Tetsu" you murmured as he kissed your forehead. "Then let's go?" he said grabbing your hand and you nodded. You both went to the mall and watched a movie, had dinner and did a little shopping. You're currently on your way home when something caught your eye.

It was Jujutsu Kaisen merchandise! You pulled your groaning boyfriend. You stopped and looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He sighed and kissed your forehead. "Go but only for 10 mins" he said and you smiled and nodded. You went in the store as he followed behind you. He looked at the Gojo Satoru poster that was beside the merchandise you're looking at. You once said that he and Kuroo had the same voice and maybe that's why you fell in love with his character. It's pitiful to get jealous over a nonexistent person but with her eyes looking at him with so much love and admiration, it ticks me off. He thought as you were picking between a Sukuna and Gojo towel. Finally, you decided with the Sukuna one since he was half naked there. *insert perverted noises*

As you bought the towel and a mini figurine of Gojo, you both went home. Kuroo was about to go home when you pulled the hem of his shirt. "Aren't you gonna stay the night?" you mumbled blushing. The taller male blushed and went in with you. "You're killing me, you know that right?" he murmured against your lips as he pinned you to the wall. You smiled at him and pecked his lips. He groaned before picking you up and went to your room. Let's say you had a hot and steamy night with him. The night ended with you sleeping on his arm. He caressed your face as you slept soundly beside him. "Iloveyou my kitten" he murmured before cuddling with you and falling asleep.

You woke up to see your boyfriend beside you, sleeping soundly. You patted his bed head and kissed his forehead before reaching your phone. Well, TRYING to reach it since he was still holding your waist tightly and you don't wanna wake him up. As you managed to somewhat grab your phone, you saw it was already 9:58AM and the new episode of Jujutsu Kaisen was about to air at 10AM. Your eyes widened as you practically pushed him off the bed and ran to the living room ignoring the dull pain from last night. He groaned as he fell face flat on the cold floor. He heard a 'sorry! The show is about to start' he groaned and facepalmed. "I should have went harder and rougher on her last night if I knew she was about to dash out the room today" he grumbled.

~A/n: Am I the only one that thinks that the Jujutsu Kaisen Fandom is full of horny people? lol. I'm one of those people too HAHAHAH

(f/n) first name

Italics – thoughts

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