Sugawara Koushi x Reader

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Being a couple with someone as chaotic as your twin brother was definitely causing a danger to your sanity. Like have you felt that you just wanted to bash their heads together out of pure rage or you wanted to kick them where the sun don't shine but that would lead you to not having any children so you debated for a very long time.

Now was the time for your answer, you're in the verge of losing your shit. Why you ask? Cause you are looking at your backyard that looked like an after party without even starting yet while some of the guys were deadass drunk. Why were they at your place? Cause your beloved brother and precious lover along with some of their ex teammates, wanted to celebrate your dog's birthday. Of course it's a reason to get drunk and do crazy things. Since you and your boyfriend, lived at the house that you bought for a cheaper price since the owner was gonna live abroad.

It was like those rent to own houses, where the rent will be subtracted to the price of the house. Both you and Suga have work now so you divide your monthly expenses and lived together. Oh! and you're both engaged for a year now. The day of your graduation, he proposed to you at the party that your parents prepared. It was those magical moments when everything stopped and it was just the two of you. Everything was amazing to the point that you thought it wasn't real.

The moment you fell for Suga was the day you accepted all of him. From his weakness, his loving gaze, warm smile, a little bit of a feral side and of course his hidden chaos. As time goes by his hidden chaos became more and more well known which you love too but sometimes you just wanted to sock him in the face or something.

The girls went out to buy some meat since the guys wanted a barbecue party but forgot the meat. You girls facedpalmed and went to the groceries to buy some. Grabbing the keys, you instructed Suga and the boys to set up the tables and chairs at the backyard and get the coal going after 30 mins. Since the groceries was just 10 mins drive from your home. They all nodded their heads but something has been bothering you deep down like your guts was saying to make the trip fast.

With some parting words from Tsukishima, "please take me with you. I don't want to stay with this chaotic idiots" he grabbed your sleeves but Suga and Tanaka pulled him back. "Oh don't be a spoil sport Tsukishima. Spend time with your senpais" Suga said. "Yeah. We know you miss us" Tanaka added while Tsukishima grimaced and looked at you with pleading eyes but you turned your head to the side and smiled awkwardly. "Then we'll leave them to you Tsukishima-kun." Yachi said practically dragging you and Kiyoko along. "Take care!" You heard the boys say.

As the door to your house closed, you could hear Tsukishima yelling "TRAITORS!" and the rest laughing. Kiyoko giggled as you laughed. "I'm glad Kei is much more outgoing now" you said as you started the car. "It's funny to watch how a salty fry could change so much" Kiyoko said giggling and Yachi hummed in agreement. "But we should hurry. I feel like something is gonna go wrong" Yachi said a bit nervous that we left the chaotic group. So you all rushed to buy all the ingredients needed for the barbecue party since the girls too felt something was about to go wrong. Little did you know, your guts was spot on.

The boys finally finished setting up and your brother, Nishinoya Yuu, had brought vodka and smirked at the team who was composed of Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Tanaka and Suga. Ennoshita and the gang were absent since they had duties on that day. Daichi and Asahi were running late so they decided to just go to the groceries to help you guys with carrying the bags. "Let's start drinking!" Nishinoya yelled as they all agreed except for Tsukishima that was slowly stepping back to hide but Tanaka grabbed his shoulders.

"And where do you think you're going Tsukishima-kun?" He said and Tsuki knew he was about to enter hell. He was about to say something when Suga squeezed his mouth and Nishinoya poured almost 5 gulps of Vodka down his throat then the three lets him go. "Tsuki!!!" Yamaguchi yelled at his fallen comrade. Is this my karma for telling Hinata and Kageyama they're idiots? Or is it because I called Noya-san short and Tanaka-san bald? Ah.. it was Suga-san's revenge since I called him a ferocious and chaotic mom. Yup. Definitely. Now, Tsukishima was laying on the ground with a red face and not moving an inch.

"Ohhh is that it?" Nishinoya poked him with a stick he miraculously found somewhere but Tsukishma didn't move "Well... Tsukishima's out then" Nishinoya shrugged and continued to pour everyone a drink. Yamaguchi was about to help him up but Tanaka smiled evilly at the freckled boy. "If you want to help him up, You'll have to drink the same amount he consumed too." He said and Yamaguchi paled. "I'm sorry Tsuki. May you rest in peace" he said while everyone laughed their asses off.

~A/n: poor Tsuki. R.I.P my dino lover. You will be missed 😭😂

You parked the car and got off with the girls. Waiting for Daichi and Asahi. As you entered the house, it was dead quiet. Like a horror movie or some shit, a shriek came from the backyard and all you guys ran towards the shriek to see Hinata being held by Nishinoya and Tanaka and infront of him was Suga holding an almost empty vodka laughing like a maniac, Tsukishima was laying flat on the ground not moving, Yamaguchi was crying in front of a spilled salt saying "I'm sorry Tsuki. I didn't mean to hurt you" and Kageyama kissing a tangerine that he probably got from your kitchen.

The five of you stopped in your tracks and facepalmed. "It was really a bad idea to leave them alone. You know that right (f/n)?" Daichi looked at you and you sighed nodding your head. "I didn't know that they'll get trashed in less than an hour" you grumbled. "Well, it's the chaotic squad. What would you expect?" He said looking amused. "We better save Hinata" Kiyoko said and Yachi nodded. "You're too late. May God save Hinata from the Vodka" Asahi said pointing at a now red faced Hinata and a laughing trio.

Taking a deep breath, you looked directly at Suga and shouted "NISHINOYA YUU!! SUGAWARA KOUSHI!!! Get your asses over here!" They looked at you with wide eyes full of fear. "NOW!" You growled out and in a flash they were kneeling in front of you while you crossed your arms. Kiyoko pulled his husbands ear to the side and gave him an earful too. While Asahi and Daichi prepared the food. Yachi checked Tsuki first to see if he was still breathing.

You bonked your brother's head. "Yuu..." you growled lowly and he paled. He may be the older twin but you're scarier than both of your parents. "I'm sorry!!!!!" He shouted and you glared. "You're cleaning this shit up. We're not gonna cook with this" you pointed at the mess they made "mess... now get cleaning with Tanaka" you said and he nodded and ran towards his friend that was clinging to Kiyoko's leg and crying. Guess she pulled the 'you're sleeping on the couch tonight' card.

Now you looked at your pouting Fiance and sighed. "What's your excuse Koushi?" You said waiting for him to give you an explanation. He looked at your with wide eyes when he heard you call his name. It was always 'baby, love or Kou' but now you used his first name which means you're mad. He grabbed your hand but you pulled it away. He looked hurt at first but then he pouted, knowing that he was in the wrong at the moment. "I'm waiting" you grumbled.

"I just wanted to have fun" he mumbled and you sighed. You crouched down on his level and flicked his forehead. "Kou you're definitely part of the chaotic squad. You can't change my mind" you said smiling at him as he pouts. "Better clean up your mess love. If I finish the preparation inside and see you still haven't finished cleaning you're sleeping at the other room tonight" you said giving him an evil smile. "Oh! And no sexy time for a month" you grinned.

He gulped and nodded his head before running to Nishinoya and Tanaka who were picking up some chairs that were tipped over. You looked Kiyoko and Yachi as they nodded their head. They began to sobber up the poor boys while you headed inside to help Daichi and Asahi. After a good 30 minutes, you finished everything and the coal was ready for the barbecue. You began cooking while the others tried to sobber up Tsukishima who was still passed out. Yamaguchi, Hinata and Kageyama already sobbered up since they didn't drink that much.

As you were cooking, you felt hands on your waist and kisses on your neck. "I'm sorry baby" he murmured on your neck as you hummed. "I'm not mad Kou" you answered as he hugged you tighter. "Iloveyou." He said kissing your cheek. You turned to face him and give him a peck on the lips "Iloveyoutoo my chaotic love" you murmured. He gave you a smile and you heard gagging noise from the side and saw it was Tsukishima. "Oh shut up Saltyshima or do you want me to pour another round of Vodka down your throat?" you said and he gasped and placed a hand on his heart as if your words hurt him. You giggled at how drunk he was. Sugawara kissed your cheek again as you turned to cook the barbecue and he went to his teammates to talk.

~A/n: I'm really sorry for the late update. Been super busy with work and family events. I'll try to update as often as I could. Hope you enjoyed my update 😊

(F/n) first name
Italics - thoughts

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