Bokuto Koutaro x Reader

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It was a hellish start of the day. You were on your period and it was very painful. You decided to take a day off from school cause the pain was unbearable. You texted Akaashi Keiji, your best friend to please tell the teacher you're going to be absent for today due to dysmenorrhea.

He replied with an "okay. Get well soon (F/N)". You then went to the kitchen to get some hot water for your hot compress. Man it hurts like hell!!! Everything is beginning to irritate me.  You walked back to your room and dozed off.

At school, Bokuto was coming to your classroom to give you the manga that you forgot in his place when you came to hangout. When he arrived to your class, you were nowhere to be found. He called out Akaashi to ask where you were.

The setter answer his question and Bokuto panicked, is she alright? Does she need medicine? Did she eat yet? Should I also take a day off to take care of her?

His thoughts were suddenly cut off when Akaashi told him not to do anything stupid or else you're gonna get mad. The captain's shoulders sagged. The setter sighed and suggested he go when classes are over.

Bokuto agreed and went back to his classroom. Once classes were over, he went to his coach and asked for a day off to take care of you. His coach agreed knowing that if he doesn't let the ace go he won't be able to concentrate during practice.

When he got the approval, he went to the convenience store first to get some of your favorite chocolates and your brand of pads. He then bought congee on his way to your house.

You heard the doorbell rang a few times and stood up from bed to check who the hell was making so much noise. When you opened the door Bokuto pounced on you causing you both to fall.

To say your body hurts so much, you groaned. "Get off of me Kou! I'm not in the mood for your games!" To say the captain was shocked that you shouted at him. He began to enter his emo phase but you didn't care. You just stood up and went to your room.

Bokuto just stared at your back and sighed. I'll just reheat her congee and bring her some medicine. Then I'll go home. After reheating the food. He went to your room seeing you curled up in a ball and wincing makes his heart ache.

"(F/N) come here. Eat this first then take your medicine. You can sleep after." You looked at him and nodded. While eating you can see him pouting and in the verge of crying. You sighed and finished your meal.

"Kou? Come here love." You called out the ace who was in the corner of your room sulking. He looked back at you and climbed on your bed. "I'm sorry (F/N). I didn't mean to get you upset." Tears started streaming on his cheeks.

You hugged him & kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry too Kou. I shouldn't have shouted at you. Will you cuddle with me until I fall asleep?" The ace smiled and nodded. When you fell asleep he took out your bowl and utensils and began to clean them.

After a while he went back to your room and kissed your forehead. "Iloveyou (F/N) get well soon. I'll be going now" you mumbled a quick "iloveyoutoo and take care"

~A/N:  dysmenorrhea really does hurt like shit. Especially during 1st day until the 3rd day of your period and it sucks! Well anyway, i hope you enjoyed this oneshot 😊

(F/N) - first name
Italics - thoughts

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