Kozume Kenma x Reader

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You've been friends with Nekoma's Captain and setter for quite sometime now. They both roped you into entering Nekoma with them and be a manager too but you had to decline since you also wanted to play volleyball.

The Nekoma's Volleyball Team, both men and women have a training camp together for 3 days and 2 nights, you'll be sharing one lodging house, of course with the teachers and coaches.

After practice, some of the girls were in the room talking, some are outside on the phone talking with their boyfriends and you were with Kenma on the lounge playing with your psp.

You may not look like it but you're also an addict when it comes to games, thanks to Kenma's influence. Good thing Kuroo would drag you both out to play volleyball with him which you also got hooked on. You were currently the ace of the team and it's all thanks to Kenma and Kuroo.

"(F/n) be careful around that part. There's a level 60 demon there which you still can't defeat." Kenma warned you but it was too late. You were already battling the demon.

"You could've said that earlier Kenma!! Help me!!" You panicked as the demon was attacking you nonstop and in a matter of seconds a big 'GAME OVER' was plastered on your screen. "Dammit!!" You groaned while Kenma chuckled.

"It's not funny at all!!" You pouted. You have to wait at least ten minutes before your life will be full again. What should I do while waiting? You were looking around but no one was there in the lounge except for you and Kenma.

Your eyes landed on his hair and smirked. You stood up and went behind Kenma, combing his hair, which he secretly loves. He had always fallen asleep whenever you play with his hair.  He didn't notice you putting a clip on him.

Going back to your seat, you took out your phone and secretly took a picture of him and sending it to Kuroo who replied with a 'Nice job (f/n)' you giggled causing Kenma to look up from his PSP.

"What?" Kenma asked confused. You shook your head. You both heard laughing and turned to see Kuroo, Yaku and Lev walking towards you. As they saw Kenma they began to snicker. "What???" Kenma looked really confused. He even tilted his head to the side. "Cute!" You muttered.

He looked at you "It's nothing. I'm sleepy. I'll go ahead then?" Kenma nodded his head. You met Kuroo half way and kissed his cheek. "Good night guys. I'll see you tomorrow" you said while waving them off. You stopped by Kenma and kissed his cheeks too.

"Why did she kiss you?" Lev asked. "It's normal she's been doing that since we were younger." Kuroo answered with a shrug. "Maybe that's why (f/n) has always been single since her freshman year." Yaku muttered. "That's true. It's either Kenma-san staring daggers and sometimes hissing at you or Kuroo-san giving you a death glare when you talk to her." Lev added.

"Cause she's special. That's why" Kenma said looking at Lev and shutting his PSP. "I won't let any guy near our precious (f/n)" Kuroo butted in. Yaku sighed. "By the way Kenma-san you look cute with that clip on you should wear that during a match it can widen your sight" Lev said poking the clip.

Kenma smacked his hand away and touched his hair. "(F/n) did it again" he muttered under his breath. Kuroo nodded his head and smiled at the setter. No matter what you do, he never gets mad but when someone else does something silly he'd snap.

"Let's go to bed. We'll jog at 5am with the girls" Kuroo said while pulling Kenma along with him. They all went back to their room. Kenma took off the clip and noticed it was the one he bought for you. He smiled and clutched it while sleeping.

-after story-

It's 5AM and all of the members were stretching, getting ready for their morning jog.

"Oh? Kenma-san where's the cute clip you were wearing last night? You're not gonna wear it?" Lev pestered the setter.

"Urusai Lev" Kenma grumbled

The jog started but Lev was still laughing at Kenma who's glaring daggers at him.

"Get a move on Lev!" Yaku shouted.

"It's fine. My legs are long I can catch up to you Yaku-san since your legs are short" Lev said nonchalantly.

The team gave Lev sympathetic looks. Lev paled and was about to run away from a furious Yaku but to his horror the libero had already raised his leg and kicked him.

"Ouch! Yaku-san please forgive me!!!" Lev begged the smaller male.

"Guys! Help me!!!!" Lev begged his team for help but they turned their backs on him and started their run.

"It's all your fault. So bear with it" Taketora sighed.

"Be sure to catch up to us. Okay?" Kuroo looked back at the two and snickered.

(F/n) first name
Italics - thoughts

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