Suna Rintaro x Reader

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He had always loved to take videos and pictures for blackmail. His phone was full of the twins fighting and Kita telling them off or Aran close to passing out due to stress from the twins but now, he has a new muse for his videos and pictures, it's his girlfriend, (l/n) (f/n). She hated it when he sneaks pictures of her since she says she's not photogenic and Suna would just smile at her and say she's the most beautiful girl in the world.

Now, you are currently on a home date with your boyfriend after his game. He looks tired. You thought as his eyes were close to shutting. You smiled at his effort to still go on a date with you since he said he was not spending enough time with you and that he has been neglecting you but, on your part, you understood him since he was an athlete and its tournament season. It's not like he was cheating or something since you are with him the whole time as the manager of the team. He was just practicing all the time.

Not long, his eyes finally closed. You giggled as you looked at him slumping a bit on the sofa as you were watching a movie. You stood up and went to your room to grab a blanket. "There we go" you smiled as you placed the blanket on him. Grabbing your phone, you took a picture of his sleeping face. How cute. You thought before sitting back on the sofa. You yawned as your eyes too were beginning to feel heavy. Suna woke up after an hour and his eyes widened. Oh shit! I fell asleep! He looked at the tv and the movie was already on the credits and he looked to his side to see you sleeping soundly. She fell asleep too. He smiled as he whipped out his phone and took a picture of your sleeping face.

"I'm so damn blessed to have a girlfriend like you" he murmured as he pushed a hair strand from your face. He stood up from the sofa and kneeled beside you. "Even Atsumu's jealous that you are my girlfriend" he murmured as he kissed your forehead. "Sleep well my (f/n)" he said before standing up and checking the time. "I'll just order food for dinner" he began swiping through his phone for dinner. Deciding to have your favorite food, he placed the order and went back by your side. He was just staring at your sleeping face like a creep but he loved your soft features and he couldn't get enough of it.

The doorbell rang as he stood up to grab the food. You flinched at the sound of the doorbell and sat up straight while rubbing your eyes. "Morning princess" he smiled as you grinned at him. "Osamu was right. The movie was so damn boring we both fell asleep" he chuckled before kissing your temple. "Where do you want to have dinner?" he asked as you pondered and pointed at the table in front of the sofa. "Then I'll get some drinks and plates. Could you unpack the food?" he asked as you nodded.

Opening the paper bag, the smell of your favorite food made you smile. Suna went back with plates and utensils before going back to the kitchen to get some glasses. "(f/n)? Water, juice or Soda?" he asked. "Soda please!" you answered as he nodded and grabbed (f/s). "Here you go" he handed you the soda as he sat beside you. You instantly kissed his cheek as he froze. "Thanks for ordering my favorite Rin!" you beamed as he blushed. "It's nothing. I know you love (f/f) so I bought it for you" he said as you giggled. "Let's have dinner. I can hear your stomach grumbling from the kitchen" he chuckled as you pouted. "Here" he gave you a plate and utensils.

The dinner is full of laughter and Suna showing you a video of Atsumu and Osamu fighting again. "Who is the better twin for you?" he asked out of the blue as you furrowed your brows. Little did you know, he had already called the team's gc and lowered the volume so that you wouldn't notice. "The better twin huh? I think they're both great" you settled for a safe answer but your boyfriend wasn't having it. "Come on. Only one" he urged as you rolled your eyes at him. "Atsumu is a great guy to bond with if I'm on a sugar rush since we vibe a lot but if I want a quiet time, I'll choose Osamu since he is more calming than his twin." You groaned. "It's so hard" you mumbled as he smiled. Her habits are showing again. He thought as you bit your bottom lip. It was a habit you have whenever you are thinking about something hard. He looked down and you were fiddling with your fingers. Oh? Is she going to lie? He smirked knowing what fiddling with your fingers mean.

"Don't lie. Okay?" your eyes widened as you raised an eyebrow at him. How does he know I was about to lie? And as if he knew what you were thinking, he smiled. "I know your habits like the back of my hand. so too bad for you" he chuckled as you rolled your eyes. I notice every single thing about you. Even the way you play with the necklace I bought you when you're nervous or when you look to the right whenever you're guilty or the way your left eye twitches when you're close to blowing up. You sighed and looked at him. "If this answer ruins a friendship, I'm coming for you" you grumbled as he laughed and nodded. "Come on. Answer my question"

Rolling your eyes, "Then I'll choose Samu since I prefer someone quiet like you" you answered as he laughed. "How bout Atsumu?" he asked. "Tsumu is great and all but he's noisy and I'd like some peace and quiet if I'm not on a sugar rush" you answered seriously as he laughed his ass off. "Why are you laughing like tha-" you noticed his phone on his lap as you grabbed it. To see the Inarizaki team laughing. "Oh my God!" you mumbled as you saw Atsumu pouting and Osamu looking at his twin with a 'See I'm the best' look and smiling triumphantly. "(f/n) how could you?? I hate you!" he shouted before ending the call. "Suna Rintaro!!!!" you shouted as you threw the phone on the sofa before wrestling him down on the floor.

*after story*

-Inarizaki 🦊 -

The call ended

The Ugly Twin: How could you?! @(f/n)

The Handsome Twin Changed His Nickname to The BETTER Twin

The BETTER Twin: See? Even (f/n) agrees I'm the better one.

The Ugly Twin: 😭😭😭😭😭

(f/n): No! Tsumu you know that's not what I meant.

The Ugly Twin: Nope! I heard it loud and clear you traitor!

Ace-sama: (f/n) you better fix this. He is calling me nonstop and he is sobbing.

(f/n): This is all your fault!! @The Blackmailer

The Blackmailer: Why? I just asked you a question and you were the one who answered it.

(f/n): I HATE YOU!!!!

The Blackmailer: I love you too!

The Ugly Twin: STOP FLIRTING!!!!

The BETTER Twin: Ohhh someone's moody.

The Ugly Twin: SHUT UP SAMU!

Captain: What did you do now? Please fix this @(f/n)

(f/n): 😭🔫

~A/n: I can feel Aran's stress through the screen lol

(l/n) last name

(f/n) first name

(f/s) favorite soda

(f/f) favorite food

Italics – thoughts

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