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Ahhh summer, you always have a love and hate relationship. You love summer cause their is no school and you can go on trips, especially when you love to go swimming but also hate it since you easily get tan. The temperature is rising but that doesn't stop the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Club from practicing and you, as a manager have to go back and forth as well.

You sighed as you refilled their water bottles outside. It makes you regret being a manager but you wanted to be closer with your boyfriend, Goshiki Tsutomu. Uuugh! it's freaking hot!! Makes me wanna eat ice cream. I'll ask Tsu-kun later to come with me. I miss being with him. He's always busy with practice. You're thoughts were cut off when a fellow manager called you to come back to the gym since there is an announcement. You nodded and went back to the gym.

There was a short meeting regarding the practice which will be postponed for 2 days since there will be a maintenance check. After a few minutes, everyone was dismissed. "(L/N)!-chan" You turned around and saw Goshiki calling you. "Yes? Do you need anything Goshiki-kun?" You smiled as you turned towards him.

He nodded and asked whether you were free cause the regulars are planning to go to the convenience store to buy ice creams. Your eyes sparkled when you heard the word "ICE CREAM" and nodded your head. He smiled and told you to wait for them at the school gate.

"Who was that manager you talked to Goshiki?" Tendo asked Goshiki. "It was (Y/N) senpai". "She really is pretty. Isn't she Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendo turned to the ace who answered with a nod. "She also caught my eye when the new managers were introduced" Semi added. Goshiki frowned and mumbled "she's mine tho"

Shirabu who heard Goshiki's mumbling raised his eyebrow at him but didn't comment on it. The regulars were walking to the entrance talking about you when they saw you and the other managers waiting for them. As they arrived at the entrance, you and Goshiki walked side by side.

"(F/N) can I hold your hand?" Goshiki asked you as he blushed. You giggled and took his hand. The regulars are busy talking to notice that you both were holding hands. As you arrived to the convenience store, Goshiki lets go of your hand "I'll buy our ice cream. Just wait there. Okay?" You smiled and nodded.

"Goshiki why are you buying 2 ice creams?" Semi asked. "The other one is for (Y/N)" the first year answered. "Is there something going on witb you two?" Tendo popped out of nowhere and asked. He nodded. "We've been together since our 3rd year in middle school". The team was speechless at first then laughed. They couldn't believe him.

Goshiki pouted and said " then ask her yourself if you don't believe me" he paid for the ice cream and went out to you. You noticed he was pouting and blushing. As you were about to ask, you were cut off by Tendo "(L/N) are you and Goshiki together?" You turned to your boyfriend who was pouting. Oh they must have teased him earlier. You faced Tendo and smiled. "Yes senpai. We've been together since middle school."

The whole team went silent and looked at the both of you with wide eyes. They can't believe that Goshiki had a girlfriend before them. You sighed and pulled Goshiki closer to you and kissed him on the lips. "So that's our relationship senpais." Goshiki was a blushing mess  while they were shocked but when they regained their senses you were flooded with questions here and there. Aah this will take a while~

(Y/N) - your name
(F/N) - first name
(L/N) - last name
Italics - thoughts
Senpai - someone who is older, an upperclassman

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