Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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Tamer, that's what everyone has been calling you for a while now. Why? Because you manage to tame the salty boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei, the ever so hyper, Koganegawa Kanji who was your stepbrother and the mad dog of Aoba Johsai before, Kyotani Kentaro who was your best friend since high school. They are definitely a handful. If you dare take your eyes off of them one would glare at other players, one would get lost and one would spit out rude or sarcastic remarks.

It was your job as a manager of Sendai Frogs to look after them but it's more like babysitting the three blonde and somewhat blonde males. Your coach and assistant coach would often grin at you and give you a thumbs up whenever you control a situation in which they can't. You're sweet and all but once you snap, it's hell for whoever did it. They experienced it once and never dared to do it again. You're a demon underneath your angelic face.

So there is currently a situation,  Kyotani was fighting with one of the team players and of course your boyfriend supported or rather hyped up your best friend which is surprising for you but knowing your boyfriend, he either just wanted to see something amusing or snapped and your poor stepbrother trying to stop the fight but just got yelled at instead and lost all common sense so he joined the fight.

The coach and assistant coach tried to intervene but only got growled at by Kyotani which is a big no. So they asked everyone to call or texts you to come and stop this fight. Everyone nodded and tried contacting you. It was your long-awaited day off from the team and you were enjoying your precious time watching your husbands in (f/a) when you got a call from the assistant coach which you just ignored but then your phone was vibrating nonstop and even the phone was ringing.

Finally having enough of the disturbance, you answered the telephone and it was one of the managers pleading you to come back to the training grounds since there was a huge fight that might lead to a rumble if not stopped. "You guys can take care of that mess. It's my day off. So NO" you said and was about to hang up when she said to check your messages. You sighed and checked your cellphone, there were over 50 missed calls from the players and coaches and over a hundred messages but one caught your eye, it was a video of your three babies fighting one of the newest players of the team.

Of course, you panicked and made your way to the training grounds, thank god you and Tsukishima rented a place near there so you freaking ran like the flash and arrived in record time. As you open the door, panting, you saw Kyotani on top of (r/n) and was about to punch him when you ran and pushed him off the poor male. "What the fu-" he didn't finish his sentence when he saw you glaring down at him. Everyone was silent and shocked at what just happened. You took a deep breath and smiled at the team.

Not a smile that says 'Thank God I made it' but a 'You're all freaking dead for ruining my day off' smile. They all gulped and some looked away. Your 'favorite' trio paled knowing they'll experience hell again. Kogane gulped as he saw your calm demeanor. He knew you were mad, no, furious as you pulled Kyotani's ear and pointed at Tsukishima and then to him and made a 'you come here too' sign.

Then you four went out the gym. The coach talked to the new player privately. Everyone was silent and just continued practice with the assistant coach. The three males looked down as you were tapping your feet and folding your arms waiting for them to explain. Koganr was the first to speak "Wait (f/n). it's not-" he shut his mouth when you held a hand that says stop. "so? Care to explain why was my day off disturbed? Hmmm? I know this idiot" you pointed to Kogane "tried to stop you at first but then got agitated and joined in. Am I right?" you calmly said. They looked at each other then to Kogane hoping the brother could help the situation but you cleared your throat and they looked at you with frightened eyes. "Don't look at him. I'm asking you both" you said smiling up at them.

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