Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader

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Did you think that it's only in dramas that you would walk in on your boyfriend doing another girl? Well, think again. You were currently looking at your boyfriend doing the dirty with one of your classmates. "What the fuck?!" you roared looking at your boyfriend who looked at you in shock while the girl tried to cover herself with the comforter. "It's not what it looks like!" he said and you raised a brow. "Okay? Then what am I seeing? You and (g/n) playing on top of the comforter N.A.K.E.D? I'm not blind or fucking stupid to not see what's currently happening and don't tell me it's a freaking accident cause I'm sure your dick didn't 'accidentally' end up in her pussy." You growled. "You know what? Fuck this shit!" you threw the necklace he gave you in front of him and sneered "Thank you for the wonderful year Iwaizumi-san. I hope we never interact with each other again" you turned your back at him before going out the door.

Wiping the tears that were gradually falling as you ran to God knows where. Finally stopping at the small park, you plopped down behind the tree as you sobbed. "Fucking stupid" you mumbled as you felt your phone vibrate. You grabbed it and it was your ex boyfriend calling you. Glaring at the screen, you threw your phone hearing an "Ouch!" and a "Tsukiiii!!" your eyes widened as you looked at the person that your phone hit. He was a tall guy with blonde hair. "Where have I seen him before?" you murmured as the guy picked up your phone.  "What the actual fuck?!" he grumbled caressing the area where the phone hit him. "Serves you right Saltishima" an orange haired boy said snickering along a scary looking boy. "Are you okay Tsuki?" the freckled boy asked worriedly. "Urusai Yamaguchi" the blonde answered. "Gomen Tsuki" was his reply. "Hell I care with that stupid phone. I hope he throws it away" you grumbled hugging your knees.

Tsukishima looked around and saw someone crouched over some trees and he approached you, he was about to give you a piece of his mind when he tapped your shoulder and you looked at him with tears in your eyes. He froze in his spot as you wiped your tears and stood up. "Yes?" you sniffed looking at him. "AHHH! Tsuki made a girl cry!" the orange haired boy shouted as the black haired guy shook his head in disbelief while the freckled haired boy looked at you as if he was trying to remember your face. Where have I seen her before? Yamaguchi thought. "shut up! I didn't" he defended himself and you looked up at him. He looked down at you and thought you still looked beautiful despite crying so hard your eyes were a bit puffy and your nose red. He cleared his throat and held the phone in front of you. "Is this yours?" he asked and you nodded. "Thank you." You smiled and grabbed the phone before throwing it forcefully on the ground causing the LCD to smash into pieces.

The look on their faces was priceless. You smiled at them before stomping on the phone. "I'm sorry you had to see that" you wiped your tears and looked back at the blonde boy who they call 'Tsuki' "And I'm sorry I hit you when I threw the phone. Why don't I treat you something as a compensation?" you offered. They looked at each other before looking at you suspiciously. "Oh I'm not someone suspicious. Here's my ID" you showed them your ID and their eyes widened. "You're from Aoba Johsai?" the three asked in surprise as Tsukishima just widened his eyes. "Oh! I remember now. You're Iwaizumi-san's girlfriend, right?" Yamaguchi asked and you frowned. "Correction. EX girlfriend" you gave him a small smile and all their eyes widened. "I- I'm sorry" Yamaguchi stuttered as you shook your head at him. "It's fine but if you want to make up to me then why don't you keep me company for a bit?" you suggested and they nodded.

Five of you were pondering what to eat when you remembered your best friend's grill all you can just opened a couple of days ago. "How bout meat?" you asked and the two nodded excitedly as you giggled. You guys walked to the shop and was welcomed by your bbest friend's parents and you asked her mother if you could make a call. She nodded and you contacted your friend who was still on her way home told you to stay the night and that she'll drop by your place to get your stuff. You replied with an 'okay see you in a bit'. The five of you were sitting next to each other at the long table waiting for the meat to be served. "Is it really okay?" Yamaguchi said looking at you and you nodded. "It's fine." You smiled. "How bout we get to know each other then?" you said and they all agreed. "Tell me your name and 3 things about yourself" they nodded. "Then I'll start. I'm (l/n) (f/n)! Nice to meet you. I'm currently in my last year in high school, I once played (f/s) but stopped because of an injury and I'm still undergoing rehab and I'm also into singing but don't have enough confidence to pursue it" you giggled as they smiled at you. Even Tsukishima had a small smile on his face. "Now it's your turn"

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