Bokuto Kotaro x Reader

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The ringing on your phone woke you up from your long awaited slumber. Looking at the clock beside you, it was 7AM. You glared at whoever was calling you this early in a damn weekend and on the 25th of December. You went to sleep late since your family always celebrates together with everyone at your grandparents' house. Your parents stayed over since they'll be traveling after as you gave them a resort gift certificate for their gift for Christmas while you went home after the party.

The call ended but then your phone rang again, what the hell?! Can't I get some rest?! Who the hell is calling??? Grabbing your phone, you saw 🦉💕 flashing on the screen. Sighing, who would dare disturb your sleep except for your beloved boyfriend. You were debating whether to answer it or not but thinking that he'll go emo mode on you on a Christmas day would surely be a hassle. You answered the call, "hello?"

"(F/n)!!!! Wake up! I've been waiting for you outside your house for 30 minutes now. It's called. Come out! Come out!" He shouted then ended the call. You groaned. You wanted to ignore him but you don't want your boyfriend to freeze to death. You grabbed your jacket and went down the stairs. As you opened your front door, he was there with a thin piece of jacket. Your eyes widened. "What the fu-" you didn't get to finish what you said until he suddenly hugged you.

Goosebumps started to form as his cold body collided with yours. "Kotaro?! How long have you been out here?! You're freezing!!! Why didn't you ring the doorbell or at least put on a thicker jacket?!" He looked at you shocked by your outburst but then he smiled "oops I forgot" you flicked his forehead then he pouted. "Forgot my ass. Come in or you'll freeze to death" you said as you went in.

He was holding the edge of your jacket and went in your house. He was on emo mode and you sighed. "Sit on the sofa. I already turned on the heater. I'll make some hot cocoa. Just stay there" you said pointing at the sofa. He nodded and trudged his way there. You sighed as you went to the kitchen. Not long after, you brought two mugs of hot cocoa and gave one to him. He was pouting and you couldn't help but think it's cute.

You say beside him and grabbed his mug, placing it on the table and kissed him. "Don't pout. I'm not mad. I was just worried you'll get sick" you said as he cuddled on top of you. "I'm sorry. It's just when I saw it was snowing outside, I ran straight to your house without thinking..." he said as you run your hand through his hair. "I just wanted to see the first snow with you" he mumbled as you giggled. "You're so sweet Kou. Iloveyou! You're the best boyfriend ever!" You kissed his forehead and he smiled down at you.

He started giving you sweet kisses and finally settled down to cuddle and watch some movies. You spent your day cuddled up together while watching some Christmas movied with him.

~A/n: this is the second Christmas special! Hope you enjoyed it.

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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