Oikawa Touru x Reader

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Finally, exam week finally ended and you'll be back to your normal sleeping schedule. Since you're the type to cram everything in your brain rather than studying days before the exam but despite all that, you still got high grades.

Friday night, you all decided to have a hotpot celebration. As seniors, you have limited time before you guys will go on separate ways. So your boyfriend, Oikawa Touru decided it's good to bond after exams and just relax. Which you agreed. So you guys invited, Iwaizumi, Maki and Matsukawa and your best friend.

They all agreed and planned to buy ingredients after taking the exam. As exams finished, you all met up by the gate and went to the supermarket. Iwaizumi being the mother figure of the volleyball team, was the one picking all the ingredients since you and oikawa were buying almost every meat you could get your hands on. Matsun and Maki were buying every dessert they could get and your best friend just shrugged and look at the amusing view.

Iwaizumi was returning the meats you and Oikawa were putting in the cart, Matsun and Maki filling the cart with chocolates, ice creams and some sour candies. Iwaizumi seems to be on the verge of losing it. Finally told you all off. And returned everything to it's rightful place. He was grumbling on how you guys don't know how to save money and so on.

"Get out and wait for me. I'll be the one to buy the ingredients for the hotpot and desserts" Iwaizumi snapped and you all looked at him with surprised faces. "But iwa-chan" Oikawa was stopped from continuing what he was supposed to say. "Shut up trashykawa or else" Iwaizumi warned with a menacing aura. Oikawa paled and gave him a salute. You and your best friend giggled. So cute.

The five of you waited for Iwaizumi by the entrance of the grocery. After 10 minutes, he appeared with 3 plastics. Matsun and Maki got one each to help Iwaizumi. He mumbled a thanks and you all went to your apartment. To save money, you and (b/f/n) shared a two room apartment near school. You've been living together since your freshman year.

Her mother and your parents were quite close but since they all are from the same company, they are transfered abroad for 4 years. It was a great opportunity for them, so your family thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to stick together. That's the reason you were staying in a two bedroom apartment. It was actually quite big for the two of you but oh well, you weren't the one paying for the rent.

As you all arrived,  (b/f/n) went to change while you set up the hotpot. Iwaizumi went to the kitchen to slice the vegetables while the trio set up the table and went to the sofa to relax. "I'll change first Iwaizumi-kun then I'll help you since these three are lazy." He sighed and nodded his head. You giggled. Poor Iwaizumi-kun.

You went up to your room and changed into comfortable shorts and a loose t-shirt that reached above your knee. You went back to the kitchen and help Iwaizumi slice the vegetables and meat then prepared the sauces. Finally you set everything at the table and called everyone to eat. You guys were having fun, talking about future plans and some nonsense regarding Oikawa's addiction to aliens.

Finishing your dinner, Matsukawa and Maki decided to wash the dishes and (b/f/n) wiped the table. Oikawa just cuddled with you in the sofa and you facepalmed. "Touru you should help sometimes" you flicked his forehead and he groaned. "I'm tired" you rolled your eyes. "Come on" you pushed him off you and he landed on his butt. "Ow! My butt" he screeched. "What butt?" Matsun said confused. "Yeah I don't see anything" Maki smirked and finally the final blow, "are you talking about your non-existent butt trashykawa?" Iwaizumi added and you snickered.

"So mean!" He shouted and glared at the four of you. They fixed their things and bid you both good bye. Matsun and Maki went on their separate ways and the two walked back home. As they were walking, Oikawa saw a cat that was crouched down on the side of the road and decided to pick it up. Good thing the cat was harmless or else it would have scratch or worse bit his face off. He called Iwaizumi and told him to take a picture.

After taking the picture, Iwaizumi snickered. "He looks just like you. Ugly" then he laughed. Oikawa looked at his friend and rolled his eyes. Better send this to (f/n). We look cute in this. You were in your room folding your laundry when your phone vibrated. A message from your boyfriend. "What could this be?" You mumbled.

Upon opening the message, it was a picture of him and a chubby cat with a caption "aren't we cute? Say hi to my chubby buddy" You giggled. You replied "yeah he looks really cute... The cat I mean". When his phone vibrated he checked your reply and scowled at it. Earning a chuckle from Iwaizumi. "Shut up Iwa-chan" then he angrily replied "you're so mean to your boyfriend (f/n)-chan. Why are you like this?! Always teasing me😭💔"

You chuckled at his reply and replied "still love your ugly ass tho." You sent it and typed a new one "ooops you don't have an ass. Iloveyou my assless boyfriend" then sent it. He opened it and cried showing your text to Iwaizumi grumbling how mean you are to him and he laughed out loud. "Good thing (f/n) doesn't have a requirement that involves big butts or else she wouldn't have said yes when you asked her to be your girlfriend"

Oikawa just grumbled while Iwaizumi just snickered. When they were near their houses, Iwaizumi reminded the setter to sleep early since they have morning practice and the setter just waved him off. As he arrived home, he didn't notice you sent him a message with a picture intact. He set his bag down in his room and took a shower.

As he laid down, he picked up his phone and saw your message, he opened it with you hugging a pillow with his jersey from middle school. The caption is "I'm gonna sleep first. Kay? I'm really tired from all the late night study session. Message me when you get home. Stay safe. Iloveyou" he smiled and texted you back saying he arrived safely and that he would also sleep in a bit.

He was falling asleep when he picked up his phone again and sent you a voicemail saying "good night beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow after practice. Iloveyou" with that he charged his phone and went to sleep.

~A/N: I've always thought that Oikawa was the sweet type in a relationship but I don't know why he keeps getting dumped by his girlfriends. Maybe cause he's gay for Iwaizumi or he's just too busy with practice.

(F/n) first name
(B/f/n) best friend's name

Italics - thoughts

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