Semi Eita x Reader

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As one of the senior managers of Shiratorizawa, You were pretty much drowned in work, not only do you have to train the new managers but you also have to study for your college exams. Balancing club activities and your academics were quite hard, you struggled a lot at first but now it was easy for you. 

Today the team has a practice game with one of the college volleyball teams in Miyagi. You were preparing the stuff needed for the game, you asked the managers to line up the chairs and double check the first aid kit in case of emergencies while you made the drinks for the team. You checked your watch it was 4:00 PM. Only 30 minutes till the other team arrives, better hurry.

Not long after the team entered the gym to do their warm ups. You distributed their jerseys for this game. Your boyfriend, Semi Eita, thanked you when you gave him his jerseyr and a clean towel since he is someone who's actually quite forgetful despite his stern looks. "Thanks (f/n)! you really are a life saver" He kissed your forehead and you giggled.

"Stop it love birds!" Tendou shouted which caused you to blush and Semi to laugh. "Go on Ei-kun. You should warm up now. I need to double check things" You said and your boyfriend nodded and kissed your forehead again. "For good luck" He mumbled while jogging to where the team was doing their warm ups. You smiled while shaking your head. Same old Eita.

After double checking everything, the college team had entered the gym and you welcomed them with the coach and assistand coach. "then (l/n)-san I'll leave them to you" Coach Washijo said while you nodded. "Please come this way, I'll lead you to the locker room that you'll be using" You smiled and lead the way. 

The college team began to warm up while your team had a meeting at the side. "We'll go with the normal set up" Coach Washijo said and the team gathered and put on their jerseys. You mouthed a 'good luck' to your boyfriend who responded with a smile. You were on the score board and the game started.

It was a win for Shiratorizawa, 25-14 and 25-20. Both teams shook hands and went to their sides. You were distributing their water bottles and their towels. As you were talking to one of the managers, Tendou noticed the college team looking their way. When he followed their gazes, it landed on you and that made him frown.

"It seems like the other team is interested in your girlfriend semi semi" Tendou said while scowling at the college team. "I can hear them clearly too" Shirabu added. "They can try what their planning, I'll serve the ball to their face" Semi stated clearly irritated. While Ushijima just frowned at the other team.

A lot of "She looks hot" "I call dibs on her" "go get her number man!" and "I bet she doesn't have a boyfriend" can be heard. Semi grew more and more furious as the boys were planning on approaching you. "You should go to (l/n)'s side Semi" Ushijima suggested while also growing irritated. "They have a lot of guts doing that when they clearly lost" Tendou said while Reon tried to calm them down.

"You better hurry Senpai. It looks like they finally decided to get (l/n)'s number" Shirabu pointed at the boys who were approaching you with their mobiles. Semi jogged to where you are and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Is there a problem Ei-kun?" You looked at him confused. He was openly glaring at the other team. You looked at them and sighed. This was not the first. It happened quite a lot  especially during tournaments that's why the team doesn't allow you to go alone. There should be at least one on the team A who's accompanying you.

The boys who are going to get your number flinched when they saw Semi put a hand on your shoulder and glared at them. "Don't get any funny ideas. She is already taken" Tendou said out loud. You shake your head and grabbed Semi's jersey and kissed him on the lips. "That would show them I'm taken. Don't you agree Eita-kun?" You smirked at the pinch server and walked away from him to do your tasks.

Both teams were shocked at first but then the Shiratorizawa team laughed at how bold you are.  Maybe because they influenced you to act a little more bolder but that is the first for them to see you act that way. Most of the time you would just shrugged it off but this time you actually kissed Semi in front of everyone inside the gym. Thankfully the coaches are outside talking or else they would have seen your little show. The other team sighed, packed their bags and left the gym mumbling things like 'she's taken' 'Damn! should have known that kind of beauty can't actually be single' and 'what a lucky guy'.

-After story-

"OOOOOHHHH! how bold of our (f/n)-chan!" Tendou teased you while you blushed mumbling a 'shut up'

"I feel loved!" Semi smirked while putting a hand on his heart.

"(l/n) I didn't think you would actually do that" Reon added chuckling.

"How bold" Ushijima stated which caused the team to laugh out loud.

"SHUT UP!!!! That's never gonna happen again!!" You shouted with a blushing face.


(l/n) last name

(f/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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