Kageyama Tobio x Reader

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As you walked home after a tiring day at school, you were craving for something cold and sweet, so you stopped by the convenience store to buy ice cream.

While you were roaming around, looking for what else to buy, you saw a box of pocky and smiled. I'll buy this and ask Tobio to play a pocky game with me tomorrow. Hehe. Since it's Saturday they will only have practice in the morning. Teasing him will be a blast. With that you bought one box of pocky and ice cream.

Tomorrow arrived in a blink of an eye. You were getting ready for school when your phone vibrated. Check the notification it was your boyfriend. Telling you he'll pick you up in a bit. You replied with an okay and proceeded to finish getting ready.

Not long after, you heard your phone vibrate again. A text telling you he is outside waiting. You picked up your bag and dashed to the door not before saying your good byes to your parents who were having breakfast.

"Tobio!!" You called out to him while running full speed. As you were near him you leaped and hug him accidentally hitting your head with his. "Ouch! Be careful (F/N)! What if we lost balance you would've gotten hurt" you rolled your eyes and kissed his cheeks. He blushed and scowling at you. "Stop with your ranting. It's too early for that" you smiled.

"Come on Tobio! We'll be late!" You said while pulling him with you. He just smiled and shook his head. As you both were near school, you saw Nishinoya and Tanaka walking ahead of you guys so you decided to call them or not.

They both turned to your direction and waved. "Good morning Nishinoya Senpai, Tanaka senpai." You greeted them with a smile while Kageyama greeted with an "ossu". They have always wondered what you saw in Kageyama that made you fall in love. He was a tsundere like Tsukishima and he also wasn't on the bright side either.

When they asked you which part of Kageyama you loved, you just shrugged and answered "everything" which made them think he bewitched you or threatened you. you just laughed it off.

Upon arriving to the gym, the only ones who were there at the moment are Hinata, Sugawara, Asahi, Enoshita and the four of you, since it was still kinda early and practice starts at 8.

You smirked. Let's proceed with the plan. You sat at the stage and called your boyfriend over. "Tobio come up here for a bit." He nodded and went up the stage to where you're sitting.

"Let's play a game before the practice starts. Okay? If you win I'll buy you milk for a week but if you lose you're gonna buy me hot choco for a week. Deal?" His eyes sparkled when he heard the word MILK and nodded. "What kind of game?"

You got something out of your bag and showed him a box of pocky. "Let's play a pocky game. You know how to right? We both bite each end and bite until there's a little bit left. The one who pulls away first loses." You smirked. I'll definitely win this.

"Let's start?" He nodded and smirked. I'll win this if it's the last thing I'll do. All for the love of free milk!!!

The team slowly arrived and looked at your direction. "What are they doing?" Tsukishima asked and Sugawara explained the situation in which the tall blonde just huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh? This is gonna be fun." Tanaka crossed his arms and laughed. "Who do you think would win Daichi?" Sugawara asked the captain who just arrived. "My bet is on (f/n) then" he answered with a smile. "Okay then. Mines on Kageyama. If he wins you're gonna buy me spicy mapo tofu!" The captain chuckled and nod his head.

You bit the left end of the pocky while your boyfriend bit the other end. As you both made your way to the middle Kageyama was looking at you straight in the eye which was rare. You blushed and he smirked.

As he was getting closer, you could already feel his breath. As his lips were inches away from you, he looked at you straight in the eye and winked. To say you were a blushing mess was an understatement while he looked at you with a triumphant smile.

"I win (f/n)" he stated proudly. "That's cheating Tobio!!! You know I'm weak towards your winks" You groaned and he laughed. "Nope. It's my win this time" he kissed your forehead and went down the stage. "I'm looking forward to our bet"

Unbelievable!! Since when did he have the guts to act all seductive when the team's around? Don't tell me it's because of the milk??? You face palmed. The things he does for milk. You shook your head smiling at the setter.

-after story-

"Hehe! That's my win Daichi!" Sugawara beamed at the captain.

"That's unbelievable." Daichi mumbled. "Kageyama what did you and (f/n) bet on?" The captain asked.

The whole team was curious. Kageyama who's always awkward and shy towards you had the balls to seduce you and win the game.

He gave one of his sinister smiles and answered "a week's worth of milk"

A chill ran down the teams spine. We will never bet anything that involves milk ever again.

~A/N: 3rd update for today! I hope you enjoyed it.

(F/N) - first name
Italics thoughts

Japanese words
Senpai - upperclassman

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