Kenma Kozume x Reader

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Staring at the window, you sighed looking at the cherry blossoms outside. Slowly you began to doze off and started dreaming about the past.

"Finally! I'm here" you smiled as you entered the gates of Nekoma. Walking towards the board where all the sections are posted. "Found it!" You smiled as you walked towards the school building.

You began to walk around but couldn't find your classroom. "That's weird." You mumbled as you began to look around, you bumped into someone causing his game console to drop on the floor.

"Oh my God! Sorry!" You picked it up and gave it to a pudding haired boy. "It's alright" he mumbles. "Did I break it?" You asked worriedly as he shook his head. "No." He answered curtly.

"That's good to hear" you have a soft smile on your face making the boy blush. "Uhm.. can I ask for directions? I seem to be lost" you said as he nodded. You asked him where your classroom is and he escorted you there, saying it's along the way.

"I didn't get your name. My name is (l/n) (f/n) by the way" you introduced yourself as he looked at you. "I'm Kozume Kenma" you gave him a big smile causing his heart to skip a beat. "Nice to meet you senpai" you beamed as he nodded.

Arriving to your room, you thanked him again and waved him good bye. "Ohohohoho! What's this I see?" Kuroo smirked as Yaku looked dumbfounded at their setter talking to a girl.

"Waaaah! Kenma-san talked to a girl!" Taketora shouted causing the smaller male to whack him. "Don't shout at my ear" he grumbled. "Let's go. We'll be late" Yaku said as they nodded.

Class started and you introduced yourselves. A tall gray haired cutie sat beside you and introduced himself again. You both hit it off and became friends. His name was Lev Haiba and he was a funny one.

Days passed and you both began to grow closer. He invited you to check the volleyball team since he was a member there and one of his senpais wanted to have a manager.

At first, you declined the taller male saying you didn't know anything about volleyball and that could cause problems but he was very persuasive and gave you his signature puppy dog eyes and believe me, he was tall as a giraffe but you thought it was so cute that you couldn't say no.

Promising him you'd go, he cheered and gave you a bear hug which you laughed and patted his back. Classes ended and you went to check out the volleyball team since Lev said to just go to the gym.

As you arrived, some members were already inside but you didn't see Lev anywhere. A tap on your shoulder caused you to jump and face the person. He was the guy who helped you out a while back.

"Hi! We meet again senpai" you smiled as he blushed. "Are you looking for someone?" He asked as you nodded. "I'm looking for Lev but I couldn't see him anywhere. He told me to come and apply for the manager position." You said as he told you to come inside since the coach was already there.

The coach talked to you and asked you to observe first before making a decision. You smiled and nodded. Standing beside him, a few other members entered and you saw Lev waving at you like crazy.

A shorter male kicked him and told him to behave while a taller black haired male snickered but when he saw you he glanced at you then at Kenma before smirking like a creep. You raised an eyebrow at him as he went towards the pudding haired male.

Practice began and you couldn't stop the awes coming from your mouth as you saw how good they are, well, except for Lev that could use a bit of a training. When he served the ball, rather than going to the other side of the net, he hit the guy with the mohawk hair right in the butt and that earned a kick from the shorter male, who you know now that is a third year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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