Miya Atsumu x Reader

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"I'm really sorry (f/n)-chan! I mixed up the schedule of the game! promise we'll go on a date next Saturday" he apologized again. You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek which caught him off guard. "That's the 6th time you apologized and my answer stays the same, it's fine. I'm gonna watch your game anyway. I'm a very supportive girlfriend you see?" You gave him a smirk and he sighed.

"Yeah. My supportive girlfriend" he hugged you tight. "We better go Tsumu or we'll be late for your game" you pulled him with you. He can't hide the smile on his face. I'm really lucky to find a girl like (f/n). Other girls may have asked me to skip the game and go on the date since I promised but she wanted to be their to support me. Maaan! I really am lucky.

As you both arrived at the stadium, you saw the team and went to where they are. "Kita-senpai! Sorry for arriving late" he just patted your head. "You'll be supporting us again (f/n)-chan?" Osamu said while hugging you and you can see your boyfriend with an irritated face. There he goes again. Making his twin jealous. You smacked his hand away. "That's enough samu or else I won't give you the snacks I made for this game"

He backed off and put both of his hands out for you to give the said snacks. You can't help but giggle. "Here. Be sure to share." You gave him two bento boxes. One has onigiris and one has lemon soaked in honey. "Let's go and find a place first since the first game has just started and we'll have our game at the third"

With that you all proceeded to the bleachers and sat down to watch the game. As you all seated, Osamu began to open the bento with onigiri in it and got two then gave the box to Suna who's next to him. "I'll go to the toilet first Tsumu" he nodded and stood up.

As you walked to the toilet, you saw a familiar face, your ex who cheated on you with one of the volleyball player of Itachiyama. You decided not to mind him and continued your walk inside the restroom. Little did you know, he saw you and waited for you outside the restroom. When you went out he practically pulled you and smirked down on you.

"Long time no see princess" you glared at him trying to pull your arm but he only tightened his hold. "Ouch! Let go!!! You're hurting me!" You shouted. To your horror he just laughed and not one person tried to help you. Atsumu!

As if hearing your call, you boyfriend pulled you away from him and glared at your ex. "What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?" Your ex puts his arms up. "I just greeted my beloved ex." He smirked. "Hell you are!" Atsumu shouted and you tried to calm him down. The air was tense and you were shaking.

"Atsumu let's just please go" he nodded as you were about to turn your back at him. He pulled you again. Causing you to fall backwards. "What the fuck!" Atsumu shouted and was about to throw a punch seeing your pained face on the ground. "No! Stop Tsum-" you didn't finish your sentence when he threw a punch at your ex.

To your relief, someone caught his arm and pulled him back. "Are you okay (f/n)" you looked to see Sakusa by your side and you nodded. For some reason he became your friend during the Japan Youth Camp in which you helped. You looked up to see Osamu holding Atsumu and Suna holding his knuckle. "Are you and idiot? You'll be suspended if you punched him" Osamu tried to calm him.

"Atsumu please stop. I'm fine" you went to him and bowed at Sakusa as a sign of thank you. Sakusa scoffed, "hey idiot I told you stop it." Atsumu seemed to calm down a bit and looked at you inspecting if you were really okay. He sighed and looked at Sakusa. "Thanks. I owe you one" he looked disgusted for some reason then he looked at your ex.

"Your (r/n)'s boyfriend right? No wonder. A disgusting player and a disgusting boyfriend. It's a match made in heaven really." He said sarcastically and turned his back. "You owe me one Miya" with that he went back to where his team is leaving the four of you dumbfounded and you ex furious. You shook your head. You knew that everyone is 'disgusting' to Sakusa since he is a clean freak and he only chooses people that he wants to talk to or get close to.

"You better not touch my girlfriend again or else" Atsumu warned your ex while Suna and Osamu glared at him. He grabbed your hand gently and pulled you with him but your ex had more to say which caused your boyfriend to stop in his tracks.

"(F/n) come back to me. I'll break up with (r/n). You don't have to stay with that idiot" your ex said and Atsumu turned to him ready to lash out again but you held him in his place. "Oh really? What will happen if (r/n) heard that" you smirked. Looking at your ex but you could see the Itachiyama Girls from the side.

"I don't care. I just asked her to be my girlfriend to make you jealous. I didn't really loved her. I was having numerous affairs behind her back" he declared without shame and you looked at him disgusted. You looked at his girlfriend looking heart broken. You sighed.

"I'm sorry but I don't intend on going back to a cheating bastard like you." You said while pulling Atsumu in a kiss. "Plus I love this idiot right here. Anyway good luck. Your girlfriend is behind you... Well soon to be ex" with that you waved him good bye and pulled the boys with you.

"Do you really love this idiot (f/n)? You should leave him before you're infected with his idiocy" Osamu asked you. Suna nodded. "Hey!" Atsumu shouted offended with what his twin said. You giggled. "Well..." you pointed at Atsumu "that idiot is mine and yeah I love him despite his shortcomings" they looked at you and sighed.

"You better treat her right or else" Suna threatened the setter. You smiled. Suna may be quiet most of the time but he can be very scary if he has too. "If he hurts you, you can come to me. I'll treat you better" Osamu added giving you a wink. "No need! I'll treat her well" Atsumu hugged you and you giggled. "Come on boys. It's time for you guys to warm up. I'll be watching at the bleachers."

They nodded and you went on your way but was stopped in your tracks with Atsumu hugging you from behind. "Iloveyou" he murmured and you smiled patting his head. "Iloveyoutoo" he let you go and you turned back at him and pulled his collar for a kiss "Go get em my sly fox" he smiled and ran off to the team.

As the game started, you cheered with the other students. The game ended with them winning. He looked at you and gave you a fist pump in which you returned with a bright smile and a fist pump.


(F/n) first name
(R/n) random name
Italics thoughts

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