Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader

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Tears slid down your face as you saw him with another woman. "What the hell..." you murmured as you smiled bitterly. "'She's just a friend' he said" you said as you laughed. "I should've known" you said before turning your back at them and walked away with tears falling down your cheek. LIAR... you thought.

Bumping into Semi and Tendo, you mumbled a 'sorry' before you picked up your pace before someone else saw you. You arrived home and cried your eyes out. Thank God it was Christmas break or else you would've had cried in school. Grabbing your phone, you deleted his number, his pictures, almost everything in your phone that reminds you about him. You grabbed the picture frame you had in your bedside table as well as the pictures on your wall that you sticked there, everything was thrown on the trash.

You were in a fit of rage. Grabbing your trashcan, you went down and lit the fireplace before dumping everything there. "Fuck this" you growled. "I won't pity myself like you think I would." You watched as the flames engulfed the frame first. "I'll move on and make myself a better person and make you regret this" you smiled as the flames burned your pictures and tshirt that he gave. You pulled the necklace he gave you for your birthday and threw it at the fire too. "This is good bye Ushijima. Good thing all this trash has a great purpose" you said. "See? (p/n) loves the warmth it gives off despite the one who gave it was a cold and selfish bastard" you grumbled before turning your back and returning to your room.

Calling your best friend over, she rushed to your place as soon as she heard what happened. You got ready and grabbed your money that you've been saving for his birthday and placed it on your bag. The doorbell rang as you went down stairs to see your best friend looking concerned. "Are you okay?" she asked as she hugged you tight. "Yeah. I'm not a freaking weak bitch" you grinned but you had tears in your eyes as she nodded and patted your head. "Let's go shopping! I need a makeover" you smiled as she nodded.

The both of you went to the mall and went to a salon first. "Hey baby girl! Are you here for a haircut again?" the one at the cashier asked your friend as she giggled and shook her head. "Nah, I'm here for her this time" she said patting your shoulder. "Please take care of me" you said as she smiled and called over the hair stylist that always does your best friend's hair. "Take care of my best friend. Okay?" (b/f/n) said as the hair stylist grinned and nodded. "I'll make her even more beautiful" he said as you giggled. "So darling anything you like to do?" he asked you as you sat at the chair he escorted you at. "Nope. It's all up to you" you smiled as he nodded and smiled.

~A/n: I didn't put any specific hair treatments cause I'm not really sure if you're allowed to color your hair during high school since we all have different set of rules in school. It's all up to your imagination!

After an hour and a half, you were in a daze as you looked at yourself. "OH MY GOSH!!! YOU LOOK HOT!" you best friend gushed as you looked at her and giggled. "Hey stop that. You're disturbing the other customers" you smiled as she grabbed your hand. "I'm sure that volleyball idiot will regret his decision" she grinned at you as you laughed. You paid before your best friend pulled you to shop some clothes and accessories. An hour turned into three and your feet began to hurt. "Can we stop now???" you groaned as she pointed at the cosmetics store. "Just one more stop" she smiled as you nodded.

She pulled you to the powder section then to the lip balm section. "Let's get these two since you don't need makeup. Just a powder and a color changing lip balm would do" she said as you nodded and paid for the stuff. The both of you chilled at a new café that opened near the mall and enjoyed the rest of your day with your best friend.

Shirabu was on an errand when he saw (b/f/n) and someone who looks familiar. He looked closely as his eyes widened in realization. It's (f/n)-senpai! She looks... gorgeous. He thought as he looked at you closely, you had a new hairstyle that really complimented you plus you had on lip balm which made your lips pink and looks kissable. With that breathtaking smile on your face as (b/f/n) said something that made you giggle, almost all the guys who were either passing by the café or were in the café kept glancing at you. He secretly took a picture and told himself to show it to the ace when he gets back.

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