Terushima Yuuji x Reader

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Walking to your boyfriend's house on Christmas day was a lot of fun actually. Minus the freezing temperature, you were mesmerized by the white snow that covered the ground, the kids playing with snow and some are already on a date. His dad was out on a business trip and can't go home while his mom will be going to his dad to spend her Christmas together with her husband. Your boyfriend wanted to stay so that both of you could spend time as well.

Your parents were very busy people but thankfully, they always come home to celebrate special events such as Christmas eve, new year's and your birthday. The morning of the 25th, they were nowhere to be seen there was only a piece of paper on top of the table. Saying they'll be working and won't be coming back home. They already knew you were gonna spend the night at your boyfriend's place so they just told you to lock the house and to take care on your way.

Terushima was your first boyfriend and you're his first serious girlfriend, it's almost been a year since you started dating and his parents loved you. Your parents on the other hand weren't welcoming at first considering his appearance but they weren't the type to judge first so they got to know him more then finally gave him an ok. You were almost at his house when you saw his mom putting a bag in the taxi. She spotted you as you ran towards her and gave her a hug. "Merry Christmas Auntie!" You greeted as she kissed your forehead. "Merry Christmas Dear. I'll be leaving my son in your care okay? I'm gonna spend time with my hubby" she said as you giggled.

"Sure auntie. Have a safe trip and enjoy. Send my regards to uncle" you said as she nodded and went in the car. You went in the house and it was silent. Too silent. "Yuuji?" You called out but no one answered "huh? Weird. He's not answering" you murmured until someone picked you up which caused you to scream. He laughed while you glared at him. You always hated it when he does that to you. He placed you down and gave you a peck on the lips.

"Come on babe. Don't be angry" he said as you pouted. You went to his room and slammed the door. He chuckled knowing you'd react that way so he left you to prepare for his surprise. You on the other hand sighed and decided to sleep since you're still sleepy. You grabbed one of his hoodies and changed into it. Leaving you with just your undergarments and his hoodie. You folded your clothes neatly and placed it on the side. You went straight to his bed and inhaled his scent. Sighing, you drifted off to sleep.

Terushima was cooking downstairs. He was following the instructions on his cellphone but it doesn't look like the picture on top of the recipe. Not one bit. "What did I do wrong? Hmmm" he pondered. He then tasted his cooking "it doesn't taste THAT bad" he said and shrugged. He turned off the stove and took off his apron. He already set up the table for your Christmas date.

He double checked everything before going up to his room. He knocked but you didn't answer. Maybe she's sleeping. He slowly opened the door to see you cuddling his pillow. His eyes landed on your peaceful face. He kissed your forehead. "It's time to wake up sleepyhead" he murmured and you hummed. "I want a kiss first" you mumbled and he chuckled. He loved your needy side. He kissed your lips and went on top of you as the kiss deepened. You moaned out as he stopped. "Stop tempting me babe or you'll ruin everything." He murmured as he got off of you and waited for you to come with him.

You smirked as you stretched your arms exposing a bit of your legs. His eyes went to your bare legs. "Damn... you're such a tease" he grumbled as you stood up and open your arms. "Carry me" you said as he chuckled and swept you off of your feet. You trailed kisses on his neck as you both arrived downstairs. He put you down and pinned you against the wall as he kissed you deeply. One hand stroking your legs and one cupping your cheeks. You both pulled away and he pecked your lips. Damn I'm turned on. You both thought as you looked into each other's eyes.

"Come. I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes babe" you nodded and closed your eyes. He guided you to the table and pulled out the chair for you to sit. "Open your eyes" as you opened them, you gasped. There were rose petals all over the floor, there was a single rose on your plate and a card that says "Merry Christmas Babe." You looked at him and he smirked.

He went to the kitchen and plated both of your meals. As he went out the kitchen you were smiling at the card as you smelled the rose that he gave. She looks beautiful. You looked at him and smiled as he gave you his heartwarming smile. "I cooked this myself. Enjoy" he placed the dish in front of you and you raised an eyebrow at the unknown thing in front of you. He gasped "so judgmental it's not as bad as you think. I promise" he said and you giggled. "If this lands me in the hospital you'll have to take responsibility. Okay?" You said as he chuckled and nodded.

You tasted the dish and it really isn't that bad. To be honest it looked like shit but the flavor is amazing. You giggled and he looked at you. "So? How is it?" He said waiting for your answer. "It looks like shit but its yummy." He chuckled. "I'm sorry okay? That's my first time cooking" he said and you smiled at him. You loved how you're the girl he has his "firsts" with. First serious girlfriend, first girlfriend he introduced to his parents, firs girlfriend who he was scared to lose and the most surprising is the first girl to shared his first time with. You thought he went around having fun but that wasn't the case. He looked like a fuckboy but he saved his first time for the girl he loved deeply.

You smiled and both of you finished your meal. You got up and sat on his lap. "You're really tempting me to take you here" he grumbled as he placed soft kisses on your neck. You pulled his head away from your neck and kissed him. "Thank you for cooking for me and surprising me with this romantic dinner. Iloveyou" you murmured against his lips as you both began to start kissing again.

Until you back was placed on the bed. You were shocked that you were already on his room as he took of his top and began to strip you too. Let's say you had a great time with him. As you finished doing the deed, he was spooning you as he placed gentle kisses on your back. "Iloveyou (f/n)" he murmured and you turned to face him. Cuddling, "iloveyoutoo Yuuji. Merry Christmas" you said, he mumbled a 'Merry Christmas' as you both drifted off to sleep.

~A/n: this is my final Christmas special! Merry Christmas readers from all over the world! I hope you guys have a spectacular day! Iloveyou! ❤️

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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