Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader

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When you hear the name Ushijima Wakatoshi, one comes to everyone's minds and that is SUPER ACE. He is an unique player, maybe one of his kind in Japan because he is a left hander. His spikes can blow almost all blocks.

He may look intimidating and cold but you guys from Shiratorizawa know what kind of guy he is. In the first string he usually is called a Volleyball Moron. He's aloof and frank personality may sometimes be misunderstood but once you get to know him he's not that bad.

You've been classmates since you were in first year. Now you're both seniors. From first year until present, you've always sat next to each other. Since the teacher always lets you draw the numbers from a box it give you at least 3/10 chance of seating next to each other.

Fate has other plans and decided to always put you near him. You were both polar opposites, he is intimidating and strong while you're fragile and shy. People found it odd that you became close. You're one of those people who could talk to him without being frightened or intimidated and also one who can control his mouth.

He gets into a lot of misunderstandings and your job was to prevent that from happening. Funny isn't it? You're like his keeper or something. Because of Ushijima you began to make friends most of them are on the volleyball team.

Tendou has always teased you and Ushijima but you both just brushed it off. "They're pretty dense. Don't you think?" Semi questioned their vice captain, Reon who nodded in agreement.

You were invited by the third years to be a manager in which you agreed. They can see that you give special treatment to Ushijima but you haven't noticed. There was also a time that Goshiki was about to confess to you (Tendou's idea since he wanted to see his Captain's reaction)

When Goshiki grabbed your hand, Ushijima who's practicing his serves saw that and his face darkened not thinking he served in Goshiki's direction which hit the poor boy on the head. You were shocked and shouted.

Ushijima went back to his senses went to where Goshiki was sitting rubbing his head. "Sorry Goshiki." The future ace was about to respond but he can see a black aura surrounding Ushijima he just nodded.

You smacked him and told him to apologise properly. He then followed you like a puppy that was scolded by his owner.

"Ah the must have hurt" Shirabu said while looking at the scene. "Did you suggest that to the first year Tendou?" Reon asked the middle blocker who was holding back his laughter. "Should have known" Reon shook his head.

"To think the first year had guts to actually confess to (f/n) when everyone here knows how possessive Wakatoshi is" Semi snickered. "Cause he's an idiot" Shirabu answered and shrugged.

After practice, you waited for the team to finish cleaning the gym. You were erasing the whiteboard when Tendou went up to you. "Yes Tori? Do you need something?" You asked he smiled. I've got a bad feeling about this.

And you were right. The team wanted you to ask Ushijima to smile. You were also curious what he looked like smiling since you've never seen it in all the years you've been together. So curiosity won and you agreed.

"Waka-kun! Can you come over here please?" You called him and he jogged towards you. "Is there a problem (f/n)?" You shook your head. "Ahm.. uh.. I know this is kinda random but can you smile for me? Just once?" Said while shutting your eyes. You peaked at him to see him looking confused.

"Ahhh nevermind this was stupid" you walked away but he grabbed your hand. "I just got to smile right?" You looked at him shocked and nodded your head.

What you saw left you on a daze and your heart was about to explode. Oh shit! So cute! This is bad for my heart. Wait. What? Bad for my heart? Don't tell me I'm sick.

"Is that okay (f/n)?" You were blushing furiously and nodded. The team chuckled. "Guess she finally realizes her feelings" Reon says while looking at the both of you.

-after story-

As Wakatoshi walked away from you helping some of his Kohai pick up balls, your head snapped to where Tendou and the guys were at looking at you too. They flinched and were frightened when you ran to them in full speed then stopped in front or them.

"(F/N) are you alright?" Semi asked worriedly. "I-I-I'm.. I think I'm sick!" You shouted and they looked at you shocked. "My... M-my heart was beating so fast and it was hard to breathe. Am I gonna die??" You looked at Semi and he sighed.

The team face palmed and sighed too. "You're really dense (f/n)" Semi patted your head. While Tendou was laughing his ass off. Yup definitely gonna be a long way before they realize how they feel towards each other. Shirabu thought while picking up balls.

(F/n) - first name
Italics - thoughts

Japanese words
Kohai - underclassman

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