Bokuto Koutaro x Reader

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Cheering your boyfriend has become a daily activity for you as well as comforting and assuring him every single time he switches turns to his Emo Mode. Not only is your boyfriend the Ace and captain of Fukurodani but also the baby of the team. Why baby? Cause he's mental state is that of a child sometimes especially when he goes on full emo mode which is quite a handful for Akaashi since he is Bokuto's caretaker whenever you weren't around like in games and such. You'd only help your poor kohai if he couldn't handle the situation and would look at you with pleading eyes as you giggle and help him out. Sometimes Bokuto would sulk in a corner or go somewhere cramped and stay there until someone cheers him up or he's somehow pick himself up.

Now, you were currently watching their practice match against Nekoma as you changed the score of Nekoma as Kuroo scored a point. You smiled at the captain who wanted to high five Kenma but the shorter male dodged it and walked away. Giggling, Kuroo faced you and grinned as you looked at him and shake your head. Bokuto frowned seeing you and Kuroo smiling at each other. "Aghaashi he's doing it again" he whined as Akaashi looked at you and Kuroo. "They're just friend's Bokuto-san. Weren't you the one who introduced them?" the setter asked as Bokuto pouted. "But I didn't think they'll grow THAT close" he said as he saw you giggling at something Kuroo said.

Akaashi sighed as he looked at you and as if sensing him, you looked at him as he mouthed 'Bokuto-san is getting jealous' your eyes widened as you shooed Kuroo off in which he nodded and went back into position. The game ended with Fukurodani winning and you went to your boyfriend giving him his water bottle and towel. "Why are you pouting love?" you said as he placed his head on your shoulder. "You're mine. Right?" he asked as you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at his teammates who smiled at you and mouthed 'comfort him' you patted your boyfriend's hair as he sighed.

"What's the matter Kou?" you said as he looked up at you and pouted. "You're my girlfriend. Right?" he asked as you nodded. "Of course. Why?" you asked as he snaked his arms around your waist and he was about to kiss you when you covered his mouth. "Not here Kou" you said as you pointed at your coach who was stomping towards the both of you. "Later" you whispered as you went with your fellow managers to put some more drinks in their bottles."Why are you being all sulky again Bokuto?" the coach asked as the ace pouted. "Cause you wouldn't let me have some alone time with my girlfriend and other guys are flirting with her" he mumbled. As the coach touched his neck feeling his blood pressure go up.

"No one is flirting with her Bokuto" Konoha assured the male but as if luck wasn't in their side. Noya and Hinata were in front of you as you patted their head as they helped you carry some bottles that fell from your hands. "See?! They're flirting with her! The blushes on their faces says it all!!!!" he yelled as he plopped down his knees. "They'll take her away from me" he sniffed as the members looked at one another before sighing. "Coach please let (f/n)-chan handle him for the last two days of training camp or else we'll have to deal with this" their libero said as the coach didn't have a choice but to agree.

"Come on, Bokuto-san. Let's get (f/n)-senpai" Akaashi held a handout for Bokuto to take as the older male sniffed as he nodded as he grabbed Akaashi's arm and trudged over to you as you looked at him confused. The coach beckoned you over as you nodded. "What did you do this time Kou?" you asked the pouting male as he shook his head. You sighed and went to the coach. "You called for me coach?" you said as he rubbed his neck. "Are you okay?" you asked as he shook his head and pointed to your boyfriend. "Please take care of him for the rest of training camp. I don't want to deal with his emo mode again" The coach said as you heard the team snicker at their coach.

"Laugh all you want. If you lose, it's you who'll do the punishments, not me" he grinned as they all shut up. You sighed looking at your sulking boyfriend. "Kou behave yourself please? Coach didn't bring me here to be your personal manager" you sighed as he had tears in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he yelled "BUT YOU'RE MINE!!! HOW CAN YOU LAUGH WITH OTHER MEN AND PAT THEM IN THE HEAD?! YOU'RE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!!!!" your eyes widened as you looked around and everyone was looking at you. You blushed and unwrapped his arms around your waist but he plopped to the ground and hugged your legs instead. "BOKUTO KOUTARO!!!! GET UP THIS INSTANT!!!" you yelled as he flinched but shook his head no.

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