Karasuno x Reader

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~A/n: If you're not into BL please skip this chapter. It's not THAT hardcore, maybe just a bit with fluff mixed in it. lol


There was a short clip contest in your school for Halloween and the prize is lunch allowance for the whole month of November and the contest is by two. You looked at your best friend as she wiggled her eyebrows at you. The two of you discussed the plot and how to edit it and stuff with bloopers. After a lot of discussion, you both finally agreed on your short clip. The title should be "Blood Fest" Kiyoko grinned as you nodded in agreement.

After class, you called Yachi cause she'll be given one of the important task in this. Of course, she agreed in a heartbeat since two of the most beautiful upperclassmen asked her a favor. Grinning with Kiyoko Shimizu, your best friend, Yachi looked at you both in fear as you patted her head. "You'll just hold the camera for us in secret. Okay Yachi-chan?" you said as she nodded. "This will surely give us an A+" Shimizu said as you nodded. "We'll do this next week" you said as they both nodded.

Days passed by real quick as it's time for your plan. You smiled at Shimizu who looked satisfied with her master pieces. "I did great" she said as you patted her back. "Yeah. Great work!" you grinned. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" you smiled as they all nodded.

Yachi went in the gym first to set up the camera behind the stage. When she came in Daichi, Asahi, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita, Kinoshita, Kageyama and Tsukishima were stretching. "Where are the others?" Tanaka asked as Daichi wondered the same thing. "Even Shimizu isn't here" Asahi said looking around. "Nishinoya too. Even Hinata who's always here first isn't around" Ennoshita said.

"That idiot probably landed himself a detention" Tsukishima chuckled as Kageyama thought of the same thing. "Maybe he did. His grades suck maybe that's why" He shrugged as Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at him. "You know that your grades aren't any better than his right?" Tsukishima said. "Ha?! Wanna fight four eyes?!" he roared as Tsukishima smirked. "Bring it on King" he taunted.

"Enough!" Daichi said as they both settled down. Not a minute longer, a loud slam was heard from the entrance of the gym. You and Kiyoko went in and went in front of them. "Here" Kiyoko gave them a blindfold to cover their eyes with. "We will give you a surprise in a bit. Be sure not to peek. Okay?" you said as the first years and second years nodded. Daichi and Asahi looked at you as you shrugged. "Come on. Hurry up" you said as they sighed and agreed. She must be up to something again. They both thought but played along.

They heard the door slam open as you grinned. "It's show time" you mumbled before giving Yachi a thumbs up on stage to start recording. Kiyoko has her camera on hand as you nodded your head. "Okay guys. Take off your blindfolds" you shouted as they took it off as their eyes widened. Kageyama had a nosebleed and fainted. One down. You grinned. Daichi and Asahi froze while Tsukishima's eyes widened. The second years looked at you and Kiyoko as both of you had shit eating grins on your faces.

~A/n: here are the actors lol

~A/n: here are the actors lol

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