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Riley wasn't entirely sure but she was 98.99 percent sure Harry was cheating on her. He came late at night and wasn't romantic anymore, he even missed romantic movie night, HIS FAVORITE NIGHT! She sat and watched The Fault In Our Stars alone eating ice cream and drinking diet pepsi.

Where was Harry going? Niall was in Australia, Liam was always with Sophia and Louis and Zayn were always out clubbing. So where did Harry go. Riley finally had enough when she online and saw multiple pictures linked to her via social media by fans, who didn't want to see her hurt.


She got dressed in all black pulled her hair into a beanie and left the flat, her best friend Jessie meeting her outside. They waited for Harry to get home, after Harry texted Riley asking where she was and Riley replied that she was with Jessie cause there was an S.O.S emergency he didn't reply after that, 10 minutes later Harry walks out dressed to impress, impress who though?

They followed him, 30 minutes to some secluded club. People lined up waiting for what seemed like hours, Harry just walked right in, perks of being famous i guess. Riley and Jessie have to wait another 15 minutes before getting into the club and Riley instantly hates it, she doesn't like loud music and sweaty people who touch way to much.

"Lets find Harry and get out of here" Riley yells, over the music. After searching everywhere Jessica and Riley split up, and after being groped twice and someone spilling a wine cooler down her shirt, Riley decides to go to the bar. She looks around until she sees Harry he is on a balcony looking over the club, he is standing with Zayn and Louis and they all look over the club. Zayn points to something, more like someone, Riley follows his finger, and sees him pointing at Jessica pushing through the crowd, Riley looks back up at Harry is staring right at her, she nearly screams jumping from the stool running and grabbing Jessica they leave the club, Jessica drives Riley home fast. Riley knew it was to late Harry had already seen her. He looked at her and smirked, like he knew why she was there, When Riley makes it to the flat in record time she changes and makes a bowl of popcorn turning on a random movie.

The door opens, she looks over at Harry innocently.

"Hey love" he says.

"Hey Haz" she says.

"Back from Jessie's i see" he says.

"Yeah..." Riley says, setting down the bowl of popcorn. She stands walking over to Harry hugging him.

"What exactly did you do with Jessie?" He ask, Riley pulls away.

"Uhm.... The usual talk about her relationship with Dylan and uhm stuff" i say.

"You two didn't go anywhere?" He ask, god he was so intimidating! Those piercing green eyes the knowing smirk.

"Nope...." She lies.

"Really cause i was at Zayn and Louis's club and we saw two girls who looked just like you and Jessie..." Harry says, she swallows air thinking before answering.

"Our evil twins" she says.

"Riley" he says, Riley sighs falling back on the couch.

"Sorry Haz! I just wanted to know where you wanted to be beside being with me...." I say, he stares at me.

"You thought i was cheating on you..." Harry says, Riley doesn't answer. Harry sits down, staring at her. "Well your wrong Zayn, Louis and i were planning our anniversary party" Harry smiles.

"Our.... Anniversary... Party" Riley says.

"Yes babe, i love you and the only thing you should be worried about is what Louis has planned for us" Harry smiles, before kissing her.

"I love you too Haz" she says.

I don't know where this came from.... I just... I just don't...

OKAY, Leave prompts and all that jizz jazz in the comments please i am running low on ideas and DM request if you want something, Don't be shy, i don't bite... Well no intentionally.

Also share your favorites and share my stories!! Thanks guys, bye. :)

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