- You Had His Child And Did Not Tell Him

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You hold tightly onto your Daughter, Liana hand pulling her through the crowded mall she tries to keep up but trips over here feet.

"Mommy slow down" Liana whines, you find an opening and stand at the corner lifting Liana up.

"Sorry baby" i say.

"Y/N?" You hear the strong British voice that you know all to well, you turn and see the mop of curls that belongs to the one and only Harry Styles.

"H-Harry...." you mumble.

"It's been forever..." he says.

"Yeah Forever" you say.

"How is it going?" he says.

"It's going good, Christmas shoppping" you say, with a smile.

"And who is this beautiful girl?" he says, waving at Liana who smiles hiding her face in your neck.

"It's Liana, my Daughter" you says, his face drops and he looks confused.

"What?" he says.

"My daughter" you repeat.

"You had a child?" he says, almost angry.

"Yeah" you say.

"Whose the uh, father?" he says, stuffing his hand in his pockets, you stare at him then bite your tongue he stares at you and then gasp. "Y/N am... am i the father?" Harry says, you look up at him.

"Yes..." you say.


"I was meaning to tell you but, never came around to it" you say.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he hisses.

"I didn't know how to contact you one, two don't act like i don't watch TV and see that you sleep with every thing with Legs and boobs!" you say, his face drops.

"Y/N' he says.

"Don't it's fine Harry i don't care about that, but you know now" you say. 

"Can... can i hold her?" he says, you nod and give Liana to Harry she's confused then starts happily playing with his curls, he stares at her in awe smiling.


You stare down at your 3 year old son, the spilting image of Liam down to the smile he sits in front of you looking down at your phone playing games while you eat your sandwitch, once a week you two go out for a picnic so he doesn't have to be cooped in the house.

"Dillion" you say, he looks up.

"Yes mommy?" he says.

"Want some strawberries?" you ask, he nods and you give him a bucket of strawberries. you hear laughter and a ball being kicked around ignoring probably some of the kids playing soccer when a soccer comes hitting you in the head.

"Mommy!" Dillion says, you hold your head.

"Oh sorry!" a british accent, that you dread so much you look up at Liam Payne, and he stares down at  you. "Y/N?" he says.

"Liam...." you say.

"Mommy are you ok?" Dillion says, ignoring LIam he crawls over to you rubbing your head.

"I'm fine baby" you say.

"Your son?" Liam says, looking at Dillion.

"Yeah" you say, Dillion looks up at Liam and Liam eyes widen.

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