Netflix Night (Part 3)

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"Get over here this instant!" Zayn yells.

"What are you my mother" you yell, slamming the bedroom door. You fall on your bed angrily, the door swings open hitting the wall and you regret not locking it.

"Don't ever slam the door on me!" He yells.

"What are you going to do about Zayn?" You yell.

"Why are you mad at me! I should be the one that is angry!" He yells.

"You over exaggerated Zayn! The guy was just being nice!" You yell.

"No! He was flirting with you and no one flirts with my girl!" Zayn yells, everything is silent.

"Your girl?" You say, looking up at Zayn staring at you.

"Yeah..... My girl..." He says, your face heats up and you stand rushing into Zayn's arms.

"Your still a jerk.... But i'd love to be your girl" you whisper.

"Can we just watch a movie here?" Zayn says.

"Anything for you..." You whisper.
Niall and Harry are returning today, Liam and Louis came back a week ago from whatever they were doing and they were busy. You and Zayn wait at the airport for both of there planes to arrive.

"Harry supposed to land in like 5 minutes" you mumble.

"Niall is supposed to be coming any second now" Zayn says, biting at his nails.

"Zayn stop, thats a nasty habit" you say, he looks at you.

"Sorry... Just nervous" he says.

"About what? Your acting as if you don't know the lads" you say, he shrugs you off and continues to bite at his nails.

"Zaynie! Y/N!" Niall says, running towards them. He scoops you up spinning you around.

"Niall! I missed you so much!" You say, he sets you down.

"What? Zayn's boring you to death already?" Niall says.

"Oh sod off blondie" Zayn mumbles.

"I missed you too" Niall coos.

"Ni, can I speak to you?" Zayn says.

"Yeah" Zayn pulls Niall away and you stand at the gate waiting for Harry.

"Y/n!" Harry says, scooping you up.

"Haz!" You squeal.

"How is my princess?" Harry says.

"Good" you smile, Harry smiles kissing the top of your head. You two talked everyday since he left like clockwork whenever you two were free.

"How are you and bradford boy?" Harry says.

"Everything is fine... He's been acting weird though" you say.

"Like how?" He whispers, before you can answer Niall and Zayn appear.

"Haz!" Niall says, hugging Harry then Zayn does the same.

"How're you mate?" Harry ask Zayn.

"Fine... Ready to go?" He says.

"Got to get my bags" Niall says.

You sit in your kitchen on your counter, Harry moves about cooking dinner for you, him, Zayn and Niall.

"He is defiantly acting weird, and Niall knows why" Harry says.

"Well what do you think it is?" You say.

"Probably nothing major... I know he'd never cheat on you, that'd be foolish" Harry says.

"Maybe he is planning something, go ask him!" You whisper.

"Why do I have to go and ask him?" he whispers.

"Because if I ask him He's not going to tell me!" I whisper.

"What makes you think he's going to tell me ? Hmm... He knows how close we are...." Harry says.

"Then ask Niall, cause I know that Niall know!" you whisper.

"And how am I supposed to get Niall to tell me?" Harry says, you smirk wiggling your eyebrows.

"You know how" you giggle.

"Y/N you and I both know Niall isn't that way!" Harry says, leaning against the counter.

"I mean it happened before" you shrug.

"But we were both shit drunk" Harry says.

"Oh come on Haz! It's woth a try!" you say.

"Fine watch the food" he says, leaving the kitchen walking into your living room. "Niall can I speak to you?" Harry says, you hear them get up and walk down the hallway and you smirk.

"Babe" Zayn says, from the living room.

"Yes?" you say.

"Can you come here?" he says.

"No I can't, could you come here? I am watching the food and Harry would have my head if I let it burn" you say, you hear footsteps adnd you jump from the counter walking over to the stove, Zayn wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your ear.

"I have something to tell you" He whispers, it makes a shiver go up and down your spine.

"What?" you say, slowly stiring the food.

"I want you to move in with me.... I hate the fact that your far away from me" Zayn says.

"What?" you say, turning to face him.

"I want you to move in with me.... I am ready..." Zayn says, your face heats up and you start smiling and you hug him.

"I'm ready too" you whisper.

"OH GOD YES HARRY!" you two hear from your room, you both look towards the room.

"What the hell are they doing?" Zayn says.

"Uh.... I don't know...." you say.

"YES HARRY YES!" you hear yelled again.

"Are they having sex in your room?" Zayn says.

"Thats what it sounds like" you say.

"Those little jack rabbits" Zayn says, you both laugh.

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