Netflix Night (Mini Series)

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"No, Harry you have a good time with Louis and Niall its the last time your going to see them before Niall goes off to Asia and Louis and Eleanor go to California for a year" you say.

"But Y/N, I don't want you to be alone..." Harry says.

"I'll be fine Haz, It's a Netflix Night" you says.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow"he says.

"Bye" you say, hanging up the phone. You get kettle corn, your 5SOS cover Niall bought you and cuddle up on the couch. Just as your scrolling through the Rom-come someone knocks on the door, you stand up wrapped around your body, opening your day.

"Hey love" Zayn says.

"Zayn, what are you doing here?" You say.

"I am bored..." He says.

"Your famous, go get chased by fans or something" you say.

"Do you not want me here?" He says.

"No... Its just, its Netflix night" you say.

"I'll watch Netflix with you.." He says.
After fighting over whether you guys should have watched a Rom-Com or a horror, you settle on a paranormal suspense. You pick a movie called The Caller, about a girl who gets calls from someone in the pass and then bad things happen.

"If i have nightmares, i am shaving you bald Malik" you whisper.

"Please don't..." He mumbles. By the middle of the movie, you curled into Zayn's side, the bowl of popcorn on the floor and your using the cover to cover your face.


"She can't hear you love" Zayn says.

"He's dead cause of her you know..." You whimper, he rubs your arm.

"It's okay..." Zayn whispers. When the movie is over you don't want to move, and you really have to use the bathroom.

"Can you come to the bathroom with me?" You ask, Zayn laughs.

"Your joking right?" He snickers, and you look up him.

"Does it sound like i am joking?" You say.

"It really scared you huh?" He says.

"Duh..." You say, standing and shuffling to the bathroom. He follows and stands at the door, you quickly do your business wash you hands and rush out.

"Want to watch Peabody and Sherman?" Zayn ask, guiding you to the door.

"No... Lets watch Earth to Echo" you say.

"Okay" he says, you guys clean up the popcorn from the floor and make some more before cuddling on the couch again.

"Thanks Zayn...." You whisper.

"For what?" He says.

"I really didn't want to be alone tonight..."

"Well I am glad I came.." He smiles.

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