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--P.O.V Of Harry--

Oh god she is beautiful. I love everything about her, her hair, her eyes, ugh.... I feel so bad.

"Haz" Louis whispers, i look over to him.

"Yeah?" I say.

"You're drooling again" he says, i frown.

"Is that obvious?" I mumble.

"To pretty much everyone except Y/N and Zayn" he says, Liam and Niall take seats.

"Was he drooling again?" Niall says.

"Of course he was" Liam mumbles.

"She is just so beautiful" i mumble.

"Shut up" Louis hisses, just as Zayn and Y/N sit down.

"What's Harry done now?" Zayn says.

"You know what Harry's do...." Louis says.

"So Zayn....y/n.... How's life?" Niall says, we all look at him and he shrugs.

"Good, tonights our anniversary" Zayn says.

"Can't wait, all night with my baby bear" Y/n smiles, kissing Zayn. My stomach turns.

"I have to go..." I say, standing grabbing my things.

"Harry wait your supposed to help me with the thing..." Zayn says.

"Ask Niall, i am not feeling well" i say, leaving.

"Haz wait!" Louis yells after me, but i just keep walking it feels like I am going to throw up. I leave the cafe going to my car, I text my professor telling him that I am sick. I get in my car leaving campus, going to the only person i know that will understand.
"Ed!" I yell, banging on his flat door. He swings the door open.

"What do you want?" He groans, i push pass him falling on his couch. I am greeted by his cat Kitkat.

"I can't take it anymore" i groan.

"Is this about that y/n girl again?" He says.

"When is it not about her? She is the only person on my mind.... I love her so much..." I mumble.

"I mean you had a chance" He says, sitting down i turn glaring at him.

"Ed!" I groan.

"What! Senior year of high school, she openly admitted to having a crush on you and then you turn her down for who? TAYLOR SWIFT THE GIRL WHO FUCKING BROKE YOU!, then she starts dating your best mate... Maybe to make you jealous or maybe cause she actually likes the lad... All that matters is that you had a chance" Ed says.

"I am such an idiot!" I groan, rolling over Kitkat sits on my back.

"Yeah you are mate" Ed says.

"Gee thanks mate" i mumble, my phone rings and i pick it up. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you?" Liam yells.

"Whoa calm down..." I mumble.

"Where did you go man? Niall said you weren't in class" Liam says.

"I'm at Ed's.... Needed to clear my head" i mumble.

"Well come back now...." Liam says.

"Why? I don't have any classes..." I groan.

"Well remember you're doing the open mic and you promised Niall" Liam says, i groan digging my face in my pillow.

"Fine!" I scream.

"Alright, hurry" he says, hanging up. Ed takes Kitkat off my back and i slide off the couch.

"Go kill them man" Ed says.
"There you are!" Niall says.

"Sorry i'm late Ni" i mumble, he shoves a guitar in my hands.

"Its all good, now go out there and knock them dead!" Niall says, pushing me out on the stage.

"Good evening......I am going to be singing Other Guy by. Jesse McCartney" i say, climbing on the seat, i sit down.

"The selfish part me needs for you to stay cause girl you keep a smile stretch across my face and i would give anything now, but you would lose everything now the way your lips move when you say my name the smell of your hair on my pillow case and i would give anything now but you would lose everything now.... If i had it my way i'd never let you walk out the door, cause my heart is heavy with something that I just can't ignore"

Zayn and Y/n walk in sitting down at a table with Liam and Sophia.

"Girl i'm sitting here wondering what is that we done baby who am i to be that other guy, 'Cause I've seen tables turned, a world of hurt
I'd never wanna feel twice,I know what it's like from the other side
So baby who am I to be that other guy? This could be our home girl, a special place Something much more than your great escape girl I would give anything now if you didn't had everything now It doesn't have to be that you feel the same you're telling me your love for me would never change
Unless you change everything now it doesn't mean anything now
If it's him that you've chosen, then we need to stop closing the door
'Cause while he's at home waiting, then we can't pretend there's something more girl, I'm sitting here wondering what it is that we've done baby who am I to be that other guy?'Cause I've seen tables turned, a world of hurt
I'd never wanna feel twice,
I know what it's like from the other side Ooh oh, I know it's not an easy choice to make Ooh, 'cause no matter what you do A heart will break girl, I'm sitting here wondering what it is that we've done baby who am I to be that other guy?'Cause I've seen tables turned, a world of hurt I'd never wanna feel twice,I know what it's like from the other side so baby you decide who is that other guy?
'Cause baby, who am I to be that other guy?" I sing, everyone claps and applause and I get up leaving.

"Harry!" Zayn yells, waving me over. I shake my head leaving i give the guitar back to Niall before leaving.

"Harry!" Y/n yells. I turn around rubbing my face.

"I really can't talk right now" i mumble.

"What's wrong?" She says.

"I just can't..." I mumble.

"Then explain Harry.... I am you're friend!" She says.

"That's the thing! I can't be friends with you! I can't be around you.... I made the wrong decision 3 years ago!...." I yell, before rubbing my temples.

"What do you mean?" she says.

"Congratulations.... On everything..." I say, before leaving.
For the rest of the school year, i avoided everyone. Went to school and left, i've been sleeping at Ed's house.

"Harry!" Liam says, stopping me on my way to my car.

"Yeah?" I say.

"You're coming to my birthday? Right" he says.

"Uh.... I'll try... Tonight's my night to do dinner" i say.

"Har.... You can't avoid them forever" he says, i stare at him.

"I'll try to make it" i say, before hugging him before leaving.

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