- Your First Fight

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"Don't you dare walk away from me y/n!" he yells.

"What do you think i'm doing Harry!" you yell,he grabs your wrist yanking you back you hiss pain he slams you agains the wall, blocking your way to leave. "The fuck!" you growl.

"I wasn't finished talking to you!" he yells.

"Well i was done talking to you!" you yell.

"Listen y/N you had no right to pour drink on her" he says.

"I had ever right" you say.

"No you didn't she didn't derserve that!" he says.

"So your defending her! some boyfriend you are!" you say, pushing him.

"What do you mean?" he says.

"You ignorre that fact that she was being completely rude to me and she almost stabbed me with her fork and you do nothing!" you yell.

"So you pour your hot tea on her" he says, you roll my eyes pushing him and walking away.

"There will be no apologise if i wasn't defending myself no one will" you say.

"Hey..." he says, you turn.

"You clearly don't care...." you say, turning and leaving the resturant.


"Y/N get back here!" NIall yells, you just keep walking down the street shoeless you shirt ripped and you pants rolled up to your knee's.

"Leave me alone!" you yell, he grabs your waist pulling you into his chest.

"Please baby... i am sorry" he says.

"Why was your EX there anyway?" you yell, pushing away from him.

"Because we're still friends" he says.

"Friends don't push friends girlfriends of the side of a cliff into the water... you know i can't swim Niall!" you yell.

"Don't yell please" he says.

"Your clearly not listening" you say.

"I am, i am!" he says.

"Then do something about it!" you say.

"What should i do!" he says.

"Defend your girlfriend tell her that she was wrong and she shouldn't play victim!" you yell.

"You pushed her down a hill!" he says.

"She derserved it!" you yell, turning and walking again.

"Baby!" he yells, grabbing your wrist.

"I don't want to hear anything coming out of your mouth unless its to her!" you yell.

"But Y/N" he says.

"I get it Niall.... your not over her and don't want to get on her bad side well you don't have to worry about me making an bad impression!" you say, pushing him away and stomping downt he street.


You slam the door to your room, and you hear Louis walk up the stairs he bangs on the door.

"Don't you dare slam the door!" he yells.

"Don't yell at me!" you yell.

"Your being unreasonable" he yells, you stand up swinging the door open.

"Your an ass hole Louis!" you yell.

"What did you just call me?" he says.

"An ass hole!" you yell, he leans in.

"Say that to my face" he says, i lean in so we're nose to nose.

"Your an ass hole!" you yell, he kisses you smiling you move away crossing your arms. "No fair!" you yell.

"I won!" he says, smiling.

"You cheated!" you yell.

"Nope admit i won!" he laughs.

"Whatever" you say, rolling your eyes.


You hated fighting with Liam sometimes he was worst then Harry, Harry would get red and throw stuff and his vioce would get all deep but Liam he get's red and his muscles flex and he just glares at you.

"Y/N look at me" he says, sternly you look up at him.

"What?" you spit.

"What did you just say to me?" he says.

"You don't love me" you say, he nods angrily.

"What makes you think that?" he says, his vioce raising.

"Well i don't know the fns bascially pulled me away from you and all you did was smile and go along with it, the paparazzi chases you get in a van drive away and leave me you spend more time with your friends then your girlfriend this is the first time i've seen you in weeks and we're fighting!" you say.

"That doesn't mean i don't love you your the best thing that ever happened to me Y/N!" He says.

"Then prove it" you say.

"I'll prove it everyday forever" he says, sighing sitting next to you.


"You.don't.yell.at.me.and.get.away.with.it" Zayn says in between thrust. you close your eyes biting your lips.

"Zayn... I'm trying to be mad at you" you whimper.

"You don't have to baby" he says, you grab his arms digging your nails into his skin moaning loud.

"I'm sorry for yelling" you moan, he laughs.

"I forgive you baby" he says.

"Oh god Zayn i am close" you moan.

"Me too babe" he moans.

"Fasterr" you moan, you both release with a mixture of groans and whimpers he slumps on top of you, breathing fast.

"Fuck..." he says, pulling from you and laying next to you.

"We should fight more often" you giggle.

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