Netflix Night (Part Two)

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"Meet Avery" Zayn says.

"Avery...." You repeat looking at the girl standing beside Zayn.

"Nice to meet you y/n, Zayn is always talking about you!" Avery says.

"Funny..... Cause this is my first time hearing about you" you say, sweetly.

"Is it okay, if she joins Netflix Night?" Zayn says, before Avery can respond to your sarcasm.

"Sure whatever...." You mumble, with a smile letting the two in. You three get comfortable Zayn and Avery take the couch so you have no choice and take the arm chair. Curling up with your blanket, Bowl of kettle corn with a little more salt and sugar and the WII remote.

"Lets watch a romantic comedy" Avery says.

"Action it is" you say, flipping to a movie called Brick Mansion.

"But I said..." But she stops herself. The movie stops and you ignore the two getting awfully cuddly in the corner. You try to pay attention to the movie, but all you can focus on is the fake that he brought someone else to Netflix Night, it was supposed to be your thing.

"Your so cute" Avery mumbles.

"And I am going to puke" I you say, you realize you said it loudly and your face heats up you stand up shuffling into the kitchen to get a refile on your popcorn.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Zayn says, walking into the kitchen.

"I don't know maybe because you brought some stranger for movie night!" You whisper yell.

"I thought you wouldn't care..." He whispers.

"Well obviously I do!" You say, grabbing your popcorn and stomping into your room, closing and locking the door. You end up finishing the movie on your laptop, to angry to find out if Zayn and Avery left or not .

The next Friday, someone knocks on your door. You open your door and Zayn stands there holding a basket filled with movie treats.

"No boys allowed" you says, playing with the zipper on your unicorn onsie.

"Oh come one..... I brought snacks" he says.

"What do I look like? A sell out!..... What kind of snacks?" You say.

"Oreos, Kettle corn, Skittles, M&M, Twizzlers, Butterfingers, Regular Popcorn and much more" Zayn says, you stare at him before giving in and letting him.
You sit on the opposite side of the couch and turn the movie back on, digging into the basket of treats.

"So what movie are we watching?" Zayn says.

"Oculus..." You say.

"Oo scary.... Wanna cuddle?" Zayn says, with a smirk. You look over at him before shrugging and crawling over next to him, cuddling up to his side like a little kitten.

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