- You Wake Up In Bed With One Of The Other Boys

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You move a little in the bed and open your eyes there is clothes everywhere, your head is a little hazy you turn in bed and instead of seeing a head of curls you see just brown feathery hair. Your stomach churns and twist as you get pale.

"L-Louis" you mumble, he turns in bed opening his eyes and after staring at you for like 3 minutes he screams.

"Y/N! Did we.... did we?" he says, we both look under the cover and scream again looking at each other.

"Harry is going to kill us both!" i yell, the door opens and Louis goes under the covers. you look at Harry walking into the room.

"Y/N,...." he says, i bite my lip.

"Hazza..." i say, he looks around the room and then looks at me furious.

"Who did you fuck?" he says, you swallow air.

"Calm down" you say.

"Y/N who did you fuck?" he growls, i grip the cover and Louis comes from underneath. Harry stares more like throws mental daggers. "Louis?" he says.

"Harry...." Louis says, Harry nods.

"You have 1 minute to get out of bed with Y/N or i will kill you" Harry says, then he starts counting Louis jumps from bed and starts grabbing his stuff then he rushes out, when he is gone Harry walks in closing the door behind him, his eyes dark with lust.

"H-Harry" you mumble.

"It's time for your punishment" he says, with an evil smirk.


"Y/N?" Liam says, you groan opening your eyes looking at Liam standing at the bed you turn in bed and see blonde hair, and your breath hitches turning to Liam.

"Li" you start.

"Wh-Why are you in bed with Niall?" he says, upon his name being said Niall wakes up sitting up rubbing his head. he looks at me then Liam then back at me then his eyes go wide.

"Shit..." he mumbles.

"Did you.... did you guys have sex?" Liam says, i look at Liam and then around the room. we both slowly nod Liam frowns turning and Leaving.

"Liam!" you say, grabbing your robe from the side of the bed jumping from the bed pulling it on, running from the room following Liam.

"How could you have sex with someone else, How could you have sex with my best mate" Liam says, you grab his arm.

"Li it was an accident, i don't remember much from last night... i swear i thought he was you..." you say, he turns his face filled with sadness.

"Do you remember it?" he says.

"Rememeber what?" he says.

"The sex" he says, staring at you.

"A little" i say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"W-Was he better then me?" he says, you look up at him.

"No babe" you say.

"Are you just saying that?" he says, you shake your head.

"No Liam, no one can top you babe" you say, he smiles.

"Good" he says.


Strong arms are draped over your waist, much heavier then Niall, more dominate and demanding you open your eyes the light in you eyes so you turn and face Harry sleeping soundly you open your mouth then close then and then open it screaming jumping from bed grabbing the closet thing to you, which ends up being your shirt pulling it on along with a shirt, Harry jumps up looking around.

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