X-Shower Time-X

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This is for Migle who commented on a past post hope you like it and this is how dirty it is going to be i am not that good, i am lying i am great at being dirty but it feels weird to do it on preference books... why am i rambling on let's just get this show on the road.


"Your hands my hands tied up like two ships drifting weightless weight trying to break it i'd do anything to save it, why is it so hard to say it..." Niall sings, i giggle i love when he sings in the shower and he's been singing non stop since he got home for the TMH tour. i love that he's back not that we didn't spend that much time on the tour that's where we met and he called me his little princess and while he was where i lived we did nothing but hang out until he had to leave but after that we talked and that's when i knew we'd be together forever.

"Migle Princess!!" Niall yells.

"What?" i ask.

"Could you bring me some soap please" he yells, i giggle.

"Sure thing.... do you want to smell like strawberries or a man?" i ask, it's silent only the sound like he was thinking it over making me laugh again.

"A man..." he says, sounding unsure i laugh.

"I'll bring both" i say, walking into the room and going into the closet getting my strawberrie baanana soap and his men soap i walk back to the bathroom and open the door to the steamy bathroom, walking to the shower and giving him the soap.

"Thanks love" he says.

"No probelm" i say, turning to leave.

"Hey, wanna join me?" he says.

"What?" i say, my face turning red looking at him he pops his head out.

"Want to join me?" he says.

"Why should i?" i say.

"Cause i want to see my beautiful princess" he says, smirking i laugh noding and he smiles i close the door and get undressed, climbing into the hot steamy shower.

"The water is so hot" i say.

"Sorry i can turn it down" he says, turning around.

"Don't it's fine" i say, smiling walking under the water blocking him he looks at me then down at my chest making me laugh, his eyes hover over my body tracing me with his eyes making me insecure i cover my chest.

"Don't" he says

"Sorry... it's just" i begin, and he then he kisses me i kiss back and he pulls away.

"Your beautiful love" he says.

"Thanks Ni" i whisper.

"I love you, you know that right?" he says.

"You tell me everyday" i say.

"And i will keep telling you until you stop being insecure" he says.

"Then that's going to take forever" i say.

"Then i'll do it forever" he says, kissing me again. i kiss back wrapping my arms around his neck. He whispers for you to jump and you wrap your arms around her waist pushing me against the wall.

"Fuck.... Ni" i whimper.

"I want you baby...let me take you" Niall whispers.

"God yes Niall take me" i whisper, he kisses my neck sucking on my neck. he pushes into me slowly. you bite onto his shoulder he grabs my waist and thrust into slowly.

"Your so tight.... and beautiful baby.." he whispers.

"Niall faster.." i moan, panting in his ear.

"Yes baby" he moans, moving faster i claw at his back, he thrust into me slamming me against the wall and sucking on my neck.

"Oh Niall...yes..." I moan. throwing my head back against the wall.

"You like that baby" he whispers.

"Yes..mmmhmmm" i moan, his thrust get harder and he moans.

"I'm close..." he moans.

"Me too..." I moan, we both release standing in the water breathing. He pulls from me and sets me down and we get under the water.

"That was amazing" Niall whispers.

"We shoulder shower together more often" i whisper, he smiles.

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