You Catch Him With Your Best Friend - Niall's Final Part

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"Hello you must be y/n, Katy's mother... Hi i am Justine her therapist" someone says.

"Therapist? When did Katy start seeing a Therapist?" You say.

"Mr. Horan didn't inform you?" She says,

"No, no he didn't..." You say.


"Why didn't you tell me our daughter was seeing a therapist?" You say, once you get Niall alone in the kitchen.

"It wasn't that important" Niall says.

"Not important? I think i should still know Niall!" You say.

"Y\N please not here" he says.

"Whatever Niall" you say, leaving the kitchen and rejoining the party. You catch your ex-best friend holding a baby of her own.

"Everything okay?" Harry whispers, walking over to you holding Leo.

"Everything is fine" you say.


"Honey" you say, brushing through Katy's hair.

"Yes mummy" Katy smiles, looking at me through the mirror.

"Why are you going to see Doctor Justine?" You ask, before tying her hair back.

"Daddy said that I make things up, and the lady is there to help" Katy says.

"What did you make you up, Honey?" I say, caressing her face. She looks around before leaning in.

"Y/BF/N hits me, but daddy doesn't believe me she locks me in my room and has her friends over" Katy whispers.

"Where does she hit you baby" you say, trying not to flip. Katy turns around lifting up her shirt and showing her back. She has brown bruises on her sides, and one purple bruise around her shoulder blades.

"She does it on my back, so no one will see" Katy whispers.

"Did you show daddy the bruises?"

"Yes, he said I got it at school and called me a liar for saying that about Y/BF/N please don't tell him I told you" Katy says, you pull her into a hug kissing her on the head.

"Let's go to bed baby" you say, she leaves the hotel bathroom climbing into bed. Beside Leo. You leave the bathroom leaving the bedroom just as Zayn and Harry walk down the hallway. "I am going to fucking murder Y/BF/N"

"What happened?" Harry says.

"She's hitting my baby, my Katy" you hiss

"What, you're joking" Zayn says.

"I wish I were, but her back is covered in bruises and Niall is saying she is lying and that she got them at school, They're fucking dead" you growl, your hands in fist.

"We can't deal with this on our own, we have to call CPS" Harry says.

"Do you think that'll work?" you say.



"Katy honey, show the nice lady the bruises" you say, Katy looks at you and you nod. Katy turns around lifting her shirt. The CPS women stares at the bruises, taking pictures.

"How did you get those sweetheart?" she asks, Katy drops her shirt looking at me.

"Tell her" You whisper.

"My dad's wife hits me, she says I got in the way of her plans with him and blames me for everything then she locks me in my room while she hangs with friends" Katy says.

"What has your father said about this?"

"He said I was lying, that she would never hurt me and that I got the bruises from school then he sent me to Ms. Justice" Katy says, before hugging me I hug her back and we sit with the CPS lady.

"This is horrible, When was the last time you saw your daughter Mrs. Styles?" she asks.

"About 6 months ago, I don't have many chances to take time off to come up here and see her but when I do I come and Niall agreed to let her go for the summer" you explain.

"Did she have these bruises before?"

"I just noticed them" I say.

"That's all I need to build a case against Mr. Horan and his wife for child abuse, and neglect" she says.

"Thank you"


Leo wakes up to someone banging on the door. You get Leo and Harry get's the door, Liam and Zayn sit in front of the TV with Katy watching Disney Channel.

"Where is she!" Niall yells, Katy looks at the door hiding behind Zayn. I stand holding Leo to my chest, walking the door. Niall stands with Y/BF/N, Niall holds a piece of paper.

"Thanks for waking my baby up" you say, bouncing Leo in your hands.

"They're taking my daughter away" Niall says.

"Yes because your lovely wife decided to lay her hands on her" you say.

"You actually believe that malarky?" Niall says.

"Do you want to see the bruises?" you question.

"She is making it up, Y/BF/N would never hit her" Niall says, you look over at Y/BF/N.

"Well now she's out of your plan, have fun" you say, Harry begins to close the door and Niall keeps it open.

"She is my daughter Y/N! You can't keep her away from me!" Niall says.

"Like you did? For seven years?" she says.

"Y/N" Niall says. Harry closes and locks the door and Leo is back to sleep. You lie Leo back into bed and walk over to Katy.

"Y/BF/N will never hurt you, not while we're around"

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