The Neighbors

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"Go introduce yourself" my mother pushes me, i frown walking across the street knocking one the door a boy with blond ends and brown hair opens it, he has goregus eyes and he was simply adorable.

"Hi" he says.

"Hi i'm Juliette" i say.

"Hello beautiful, my name is Niall" he says, smirking.

"I just moved across the street and my mother wants me to make friends so i won't be alone when she leaves" i say.

"Well i'll be your friend" he says, smiling.

"Really?" i say.

"Of course, want to hang out i'm kind of bored" he says, i nod and he lets me in we walk into his living room sitting down.

"Let's get to know each other" i say.

"20 questions?" he says.

"Sure" i say.

"First question where are you from?" he asks.

"California..... what's your favorite thing to do" i say.

"Play the guitar.... did you have a boyfriend?" he ask, scooting closer.

"No...Do you have a girlfriend?" i ask.

"No....Are you a virgin?" he says, my cheeks turn red i look away.

"Yes..." i say.

"It's your turn to ask me something" he says, i look at him and his face is really close to mine.

"Kiss me" i say.

"Gladly" he says, crushing his lips on me we fall back on the carpet, i've never been so attracted to anyone before i felt so drawn to him, he starts kissing my neck.

"Niall..." i whimper.

"Yes princess" he says, princess he called me princess awe, i push him away gently. 

"I don't think i'm ready" i say, he smiles leaning down to my ear. 

"I'll go nice and slow for you babe" he says, kissing behind my ear making me shiver.

"Ok..." i say.


This was for Juilette also known as @Glittergutsxx i hope you enjoyed.

If you read my other books you can see i have no probelm writing sex... i just don't know why i can't do it for prefernce. 

tell me would you like it if i added a sex part ? 

please comment, vote and follow me !!! 


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