Mr. Marcel Styles

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"Oh Mr. Styles" a vioce says, you lean against the door pressing your ear against the door you need proof to show the school that Mr. Styles isn't what he's cracked up to be, he isn't the nerdy. greased back teacher everyone thinks he isn, and you think you might have found it.

"Fuck, you suck it real good... you really want that A" Mr. Styles moans, you lean against the lockers pulling out your phone making sure it's mute, then you turn the recording on and press it agaisnt the door.

"Oh Mr. Styles.... Yes...." the vioce says, your not trying to find out. then your phone starts to ring and since it's on bvirbate it buzzes on the floor hitting against the door, you grab it turning it off.

"What was that?" Mr. Styles says.

"I-I don't know" the vioce says, you shove your phone in your pocket jumping up and running down the hallway hiding behind lockers. you hear the door open. "Bye Mr. Styles" the vioce says, and theny you hear clicking in the opposite direction. you press yourself hard agaisnt the wall so nobody can see you.

"Whose there?" Mr. Styles says, you hold your breath when you hear walking in your direction. you grab the door handle open the door your next to crawling inside closing the door. it's a janitors closet you crawl behind a high sheld when the door swings open. "Whose in here?" Mr. Styles says, you sigh realizing there is no other way out so you drop your phone.

"There it is.... i knew i left it in here" you say, standing up turning facing Mr. Styles except his hair is an array of curls, he only has his white button up, black pants and steeled toe shoes on and his lips are really, really pink.

"Y/N what are you still doing in school?" he asks..

"Uh.... i was half way home when i realized i didn't have my phone so i came back to get it...." i say.

"Don't you live across town" he asks, you nod he stares at you.

"Yup i should get going" you say, and start walking leaving the room.

"Wait.... I'll drive you" he says, you freeze your face paling turning to face him.

"You don't have too..." you mumble, he smirks.

"I want too..." he says, he turns walking back to his classroom getting his things before walking back over to me, we start walking to his car. "So was that your phone vibrating?" he asks.

"No.... i mean probably" you say.

"What was it doing in the janitors closet?" he asks.

"I uhm.... during my free period i help the janitors clean the school and i uh must have dropped my phone while i was getting supplies" you say, he laughs. we make it out to his car and i sit in the front he puts everything in the back and climbs in.

"If i remember correctly you live farily close to a friend of mine" Mr, Styles says.

"Yeah.... Mr. Payne, he's my neighbor" you say, he starts the car pulling from the school and starts driving you face the door looking out the window.

"So how is school?" Mr. Styles asks.

"Good i guess...." i mumble.

"How are you doing in english" he asks.

"Good...." i lie, i am horrible in english i might as well speak a different language.

"That's not what i heard... you know i could help you in english" he says, his hand finds your knee and your straighten up looking over to him.

"You can"you say, he smirks still looking at the road..

"Tutoring is free for students.... i could work on your all day after school" he says, sliding his hand down your leg.

"Mr. Styles..." you mumble, scooting back in the chair,

"Yes?" he says, stopping the car you don't know where you are.

"I uhm..... " you start, he unbuckles your seat belt and pulls you into his lap.

"I know you know what i do to my students" he whispers, you shiver his breath on your neck.

"I don't know what your talking about" You mumbles, he slips his hand in your pocket grabbing your phone.

"I am not stupid Y/N i know you want me, and i know you were recording me" he whispers, before you can open your mouth his mouth is on your neck. sucking softly on your neck you close eyes.

"Mr. Styles..." you mumble.

"Call me Marcel baby.... " he whispers, you move in your seat so your straddling him his hands on your butt. Your eyes are still closed and he's still sucking on your neck you lean down kissing his neck slowly grinding on him.

"Mar-Marcel.." you say, a moan escaping.

"You like that don't you" he whispers, grinding up on you.

"Marcel...." you moan, nipping on his neck.

"I've been waiting so long for this" he whispers, undoing my pants pulling them down in the small car my back presses softly agasint the steering wheel he pops your shirt open viewing your chest. you open his shirt throwing the shirt away along with your pants and shirt.

"Take me..." you say, breathlessly. he trails his fingers up and down your back unhoooking your bra and throwing it int he back seat with all your clothes leaning in taking one of your boobs in his mouth, you moan your head falling back.

"I am going to mess you up" he whispers.

"Fuck...." you mumble.


You lie ontop of Marcel, breathing heavily the windows fogged your head in the crook of his neck all your clothes in the back seat.

"That was amazing" you breath.

"Your mine now... No one else can have this body" he says, running his hand down your back.

"Yes... Ok" i mumble.

"I don't want to see you talking to anyone else your mine..." he whispers.

"Ok..." i sigh, he chuckles.

"Ready for round two?" he whispers.

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