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Alright the amount of disappointment i have in the world right now is in a all time high, i may be a little late on the hate train but i am pissed and who better to talk to to the lovely One Direction Fans on wattpad.

So i was minding my buiness scrolling through tumblr, when i come across an account of a artist  who draws One Direction and i love artist who draw them and she had like one picture up but it was fine, so i was scrolling through her account and i came across a rant and i thought it was her but it was a repost and she said it made her sick that a person would even think this...

The girls name is ZaddyZayn on Tumblr and on Twitter she is really disgusting and mean and faked having lukiemia and autism just to get a follow on twitter which is disgusting.


she posteed three rants that i read before wanting to kill her the first rant was the one on the other girls account and ZaddyZayn was like. 

"I don't like how cancer patients and mentally disabbled people get to meet one direction before i do, the mentally disabled won't remember them and the cancer patients are going to die so what's the point'

I had to read that three times and it was sick she is fudging 13 saying things like this what the hell, ontop of that she had another rant about how much she hated Gemma and how she wanted to kill her like WTF she was like she is a moocher and has no job and is stealing money from harry and bought herself an apartment when Harry is homeless.

Last time i check, Harry definently bought a mansion in LA and bought an island for some reason....

Then she said Anne should have swallowed her, this girl is going to hell.....

Last but not least, did i meantion she is 13, she had a rant on how Zayn should rape her and her top 2 reasons were 

I bought You and I on itunes

I went to see them in the summer 

And then she described how she wanted him to do this..... i am truly disgusted she is seriosuly 13 and her twitter is even worst..

It;s ZaddyZayn check it out. 

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