- He Takes Care Of You When You're Sick

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You lie in bed and it feels like you are going to cough up a lung, and hopefully you don't your favorite show is on full blast while Harry feeds you hot chicken noddle soup he made on his own. treating you like a little bad even wiping you mouth, even though you could do that on your own.

"You know Harry i am not that sick, i can feed my self" you say.

"No.... you're my baby you will not lift a finger" Harry says.

"What if i have to pee?" you question, with your eye brow raised.

"Then i will carry you to the bathroom and help you pee" he says, that makes you laugh but then you start hacking up and storm and Harry gives you a stern look. "You're making it worst" he says,

"Then stop making me laugh" you giggle, he wipes your mouth and thne sets down the bowl of half empty chicken noodle soup.

"You're so stubborn sometimes you know that right?" he says.

"But you lov me unconditonally" you say, then you start to sing Uncondional by Katy perry nad then you start coughing again, which makes harry laugh.

"Stop love you'll never get better" he says.

"Harry, i love you you're so good to me..... what would i do without you?" you say.

"Probably cough up a lung not scoot over so i an cuddle my love bug" he says.

"No, i don't want to get you sick Har" you say.

"I don't care as long as i am with you" Harry says.

"But if we're both sick who will tend to us" you say.

"Niall" you both say after a long pause.


"Liam?" you cough, walking down the stairs the cover draped over your shoulder and you hold it tightly, before you can even touch the bottom step Liam is there, with a disappointed face.

"What did i say Y/N stay in bed" Liam says.

"But James is going to wake up... and you didn't hear me calling your name" you say.

"That's why i gave you a bell...." Liam says, stomping up the stairs and scooping you up and you start sneezing and coughing and wheezing but that doesn't stop him from carrying you upstairs, down the halll and into the bed room where he re tucks you in for the fourth time today because you simply don't listen.

"Liam...." you mumble.

"Yes baby?" he says, fluffying your pillow.

"Thanks baby boo... for everything you didn't have to do this" you say.

"Your my care bear, i need to tend to your every need" he says, leaning down and kissing your nose, before he leaves the room closing the door.


"Niall" you yell, and then you hear stomping and your bedroom door flies open.

"Yes princess" he says.

"Sorry for interuppting your boy time" you mumble, before wiping your nose.

"You're more important love" he says, you smile.

"I was wondering if you could get me more irish tea? you make it so well and i think i am getting better" you say.

"Sure then babe... but you're still not coming to the concert with us tomorrow i can't risk anything" he says, you frown.

"But Ni bear! it' your last concert" you wheeze, before coughing.

"No is no princess" he says, you frown and he leaves you frown pouting so when he walks back into the room he see's your sad face. "No puppy eyes" he says.

"It's not fair" you mumble.

"Baby bear you've been to every concet you could possibly come to, it won't be tragic if you don't make it everyone will understand" he says.

"But i want to be there for the annoucement" you say, through coughing.

"Honey.... how about we skype you during the show? how does that sound baby girl?" he says.

"That souds fantastic" you say, then he hands you tea and you start drinking it.

"Get better baby, i'll be downstairs and if you need me i will be upstairs in a flash" he says, before kissing your forehead and skipping from the room, closing the door.


"Lou bear" you cough covering your mouth with a tissue, Louis walks in from the bathroom in nothing but his boxers his hair still messy.

"Yes love?" he says.

"I am so sorry i can't make it to the couples interview i feel horrible" you mumble.

"You don't look so well to either dear, but it's fine because i love you anyway" he says, with a smile you frown and he walks over to the bed sitting down. "Don't be upset love they'll be plenty of interviews" Louis says, rubbing you leg. you grab some tissue hacking up a storm into them before throwing them in the trash and Louis doesn't even flinch.

"But sweet heart...." you mumble, he stops you but pinching your nose you slap is hand away.

"Don't start Y/N" he mumbles.

"I love you" you mumble, he smiles.

"I love you too.... Hey how about i call in sick and i can be your nurse for the day?" he says with a wink.

"You'd do that for me" you mumble.

"I'd do anything for you love, i'd stealthe moon for you babe" he says, smiling.

"I love you so much lou bear" you mumble.

"I love you too" he says, kissing you on the lips.


You have the worst head cold ever, you're sneezing, wheezing, coughing, hacking, you're nose is running and you have massive head aches, and through it all Zayn sits on the bed by you, handing you tissue, medicine and the trash can if needed, he rubs your back and even feeds you.

"This sucks" you whezzing.

"Awe baby" Zayn says, rubbing your back.

"I hate being sick,,, getting away i refuse to get you sick when you're about to start tour" you say.

"I don't care" he says.

"But i do Zaynie...." you say, wiping your nose.

"I refuse to leave you dying in here" Zayn says. 

"But...." you start.

"But nothing i would be a terrible boyfriend id i left you" Zayn says, you smile.

"Your the best boyfriend anyone could ask for" you sniffle, he starts leaning in but you stop him. "Still not getting you sick" you mumble. 

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