- Far Away (Niall Imagine)

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"Your going to be ok.... just breath.... don't close your eyes" you whisper to Niall laying on your lap, a bullet hole in his stomach, he stares up at you with a smile.

"Your beautiful..... Tell James.... Tell James I Love him" he chokes, you choke a sob stroking his hair.

"Breath, just breath.... you can tell him yourself just breath baby" you whisper, stroking his hair.

"I love you' he whispers.

"I love you too Niall that's why you can't leave me please" you cry, stroking his hair back.

"It hurts Y/N" he says.

"I know it does baby, bare with me..... they're almost here" you whisper; the paramedics get closer and Niall smiles.

"It doesn't hurt anymore Y/N...." he whispers, closing his eyes.

"Niall! NIall no please!" you scream, pulling him closer to me sobbing. "Wake up... Wake up!" you scream, paremedics pull you away and you scream and cry and thrash, trying to get to NIall.


"I know how hard it is for you right Ms. Y/L/N but please.... tell us what happened..." the police officer says.

"Niall.... Niall and i were walking from dinner back hard he thought it would be nice to walk home it was a beautiful night, we were passing an alley when a man jumps in front of us he was taller then both of us with long black hair and a scar on his cheek and on his eyebrow...... he had a gun.... he wants our money i told Niall to just give it to him and he did but the man didn't give up he pointed the gun at me and said that if Niall didn't give him his watch he'd shoot me.... Niall quickly did it but the man still pull the trigger......" you choke. the man stares at you with a pity look you look down at your hands still stained with his blood. "He shot Niall and ran off.....without a word Niall fell... and it was a lot of blood i screamed and called the police" you say, looking back up at him.

"Ok.... Thank you ma'am" he says, you nod.

You walk down the street your hands shoved in your pocket your hoodie up, the wind blowing gently and the moon shinging.

"Hey you, give me your money" someone yells.

'Don't you have a job or something?" i say, stopping he's silent.

"I'll shoot, give me your money" he yells, you turn pulling out your gun pointing it to him.

"Or i'll shoot you, i'll splatter your brains across this pavement without so much of a second thought...." you hiss, his eyes go wide at your 32 caliber gun.

"What's your deal lady" he says, you chuckle walking up to him.

"My deal? you don't remember me do you? hopeless scared?" you hiss, he stares at him.

"No i don't remember you" he says.

"You killed me husband!" you scream, pointing the gun down at his foot and firing he screams in pain dropping his gun,

"Bitch!" he curses.

"You pulled the trigger after we gave you all our money.... you killed him without a second thought!" i yell, shooting his leg, he screams again.

"Stop! Stop!" he cries.

"You didn't stop! you ran away like the selfish coward you were!" you scream, firing twice once at his hit another at his other leg, he was choking on his tears.

"Please.... spare me" he whimpers.

"You didn't spare him..... where are you keeping his watch?" you say.

"I sold it" he says, you shoot next to his ear.

"WHERE IS IT!" you scream.

"In my house, third floor in the building right there....!" he yells.

"Your pathetic, and i hope you have fun in hell" you say, he looks up at you and you fire twice in his stomach turning walking towards the building.


You kneel in front of the grave putting the watch down reaching and touching the grave grave stone.

"I did it Nialler......" you whisper.

You were searching for 3 years for the man who killed your husband leaving you, and your Son James without a husband and a father. you took gun training and got a gun permit moving from the city, you left James with your parents while you came back in search of him, the man who took everything from you.

"He's gone" you whisper.

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