-You Catch Him With Your BestFriend (Part Three)

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lright i did it i made a part three, happy now :)



You sit in your brothers living room watching TV, a gossip show talking about Harry and your best friend you watch them hug and kiss and walk around like they didn't grind your heart into dust. you sit eating Popcorn, ice cream, pizza and drinking soda. your brother wonders how your so fit sometimes you rarely move your either at his house or at your parents house. your rarely at your own house because it's so empty an alone. there is a loud knock on the door and you get up holding the popcorn bowl you open the door and Niall and Liam stands there.

"Hello there love" Liam says..

"How did you find me?" i say.

"Your brother was at starbucks" Liam says.

"Wanted us to check up on you" Niall says, i groan letting them in.

"How have you been love?" Liam says, you close the door with your foot. sitting down inbtween Liam and Niall.

"I've been fine" you say, resting your head on Niall's shoulder.

"How are you so fit?" Niall says, more to himself.

"My brother says the same thing" i laugh.

"Y/N you know we're here for you right?" Liam says, you look at him.

"Yeah" i say, smiling.

"Don't forget that, love" Niall says.

"I love you guys" you say, they hug you,

"We love you too" Liam says.

"And forget about Harry that ass hole didn't deserve you" Niall says.

"He's your best friend guys" i say.

"He hurt you, he's an ass hole" Liam says.

"Louis is still mad at him for it" Niall says.

"I love you guys so much" i say, smiling.

"Will always be here for you!" Liam says, we have a group hug.


You've been staying over your sister and her boyfriends house sleeping in there daughters room on the floor next to crib. you broke your phone yesterday because Liam called you and you got angry and throwing it our the window angrily, your sister said she'd buy you a new one when your ready. your best friend or ex best friend you don''t know your feelings at the moment though has been non- stop emailing, facebook chating, Aoling you about how sorry she was and how she was drunk. your taking your niece for a walk through the park she sits in the crib being the adorable 2 year old that she is and you walk down the trail.

"Y/N !?" Liam yells, you ignore him breathing heavily you keep pushing the stroller and whispering to Becca about the trees and the animals, then someone grabs your arm making you stop.. "y/N Please" he says, you look at him.

"No Liam" you hiss.

"Please listen, we were terrible drunk!" he says.

"It didn't sound like you were drunk" you say.

"We were, we had way to many drinks and one thing led to the other" he says, you scowl at him.

"Liam if it wasn't my best friend it would have been some stranger, is that what you always did when i left to visit family go get drunk and bang strangers or my friends.... how many of my friends have you banged Liam!" i yell.

"Y/N you know that isn;'t true i'd never do that" he says.

"Well you did" you hiss.

"It was Niall's and Nayla's annvirsary i didn't want to miss it they were having it at the club where they met and i told them you couldn't make it but that i was still coming, i ran into Y/BF/N and she was drunk and dancing i started drinking because Harry and Louis forced me then i was dancing with Y/BF/N and then she started kissing me alchol was fogging my brain it was an accident" he says, now your crying.

"This is how i know your lying Liam because one Niall and Nayla didn't meet at a club i set them up and they met at a star bucks two i heard you and Y/BF/N talking about how i was away you can't lie you weren't drunk you lying ass hole" you cry, turning and walking down the trail blinded by tears.


"She isn't eating, or drinking water she hasn't moved from that spot Lou i'm worried" Liam whispers.

"I'm amazed she even came back to the same house with Niall" Louis says.

"What can we do she's going to starve to death, Harry and i had to force feed her yesterday and she was in tears what did Niall do?" Liam says.

"I haven't seen the lad to ask, nither had Zayn or Harry" Louis says.

"He's being a real ass hole his girlfriend is killing herself slowly and he isn't here" Liam says.

"I'll try to call him" Louis says.

"Get Harry to bring some food up" Liam says, you hear Louis walk away you slowly getting up your bones hurting Liam runs and helps you pulling you into his arms you rest your head on his chest.

"Liam...." you whisper.

"Y/N before you say anything please eat" Liam whispers, he looks down at you dsadly his eyes red he's been crying like Harry and Louis also when they came to check on you, he picks you up bridal style and carries you from the room and downstairs into the kitchen, sitting you on the counter,

"There she is" Harry says, smiling only a little his hair is messy and his eyes and face are red.

"Hi Harry" you say, you force a smile but it only hurts. he hands you a bowl of cereal and Liam helps you eat it, you force it down the front door opens and Louis walks into the kitchen he looks at you then looks down when Niall and T/BF/N appears.

"Niall's here to get his stuff" Y/BF/N says, then she looks at you they both look at you and there jaw drops, Harryt takes the cereal and Liam gets you taking you back to the room.

"Take your stuff and go" Harry yells, angrily.

"Is she ok?" Niall says.

"What do you give a fuck, you made her like this what did you do Niall cause you done fucked up!" Harry yells.

"She's fine she acted like in high school" Y/BF/N says.

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