Change Your Ticket

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"Don't go..." Zayn mumbles, you look back at him.

"Zayn..." You start.

"You don't have to go... Get back in bed, your flight doesn't even leave until 8" he says.

"Zayn you know if i get into bed i wont be able to get out...." You say, frowning be sits up propping hisself on his elbow.

"Works for me.... Come in stay a few more days" he pleads.

"Zee.... I cant run from fans all day anymore, and sun glasses don't work no matter how many you wear!" You state, dropping your bag.

"Tell that to Harry and Niall" Zayn mumbles.

"Listen Zee...." You start.

"Come just stay a few more days..... Let me change your ticket..." He says, pouting his lip.

"Zayn.... I cant keep doing this" you mumble.

"Just a few more days Y/N..... Please don't leave me alone in this hotel room..." He says.

"Fine... But call the airport now, i am only staying 3 more days and that is it" you says
"Good morning" Zayn says, walking into the kitchen.

"My flight leaves in 3 hours" you say, leaning against the counter looking at her.

"Y/N....." He starts.

"No Zee! I can't stay anymore" you say, he sighs pulling the cup from your hand and setting it on the counter.

"You should probably stay a couple more days, come on let me change your ticket home" he says.


"Babe.... Please don't leave...." Zayn says, grabbing your hips.

"Zayn...." You start.

"Please...." He says.

"Fine.... I'll just go home for christmas... Happy?" You say.

"Very" he smiles.

Short and sweet huh ?

Wasn't that just precious! That song is so catchy....

My (little) brother is getting a little irritating, ALWAYS complaining about how much he hates school. LIKE wait until you get to high school and your Junior year, you wont be laughing at my grades still when your failing three classes!

ANYWAY, hoped you enjoyed.


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