- You Catch Him With Your Best friend (Part Four)

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You moved from your brothers house and now live alone in an studio apartment close to your job, you work at ironically a bakery not because of Harry but because you really love baking and Harry isn't going to ruin that. you hear the bell to the store open you stand up smiling.

"Welcome to Frostie the cupcake shack, how may i help" you say.

"Y/N?" Harry says, you look at him holding a baby.

"Harry..." i say.

"Y/N this is Candace.... Tell her what you want?" Harry say, she hides her face making you smile.

"Don't be shy cute stuff, tell me what you want?" i say. 

"Strawberry banana" she says.

"Coming right up" i say, getting her a cupcake with strawberry frosting and banana slices. i hand her the cupcake and Harry gives me money.

"Keep the change" he says, i smile.

"Thanks have a nice day" i say.

"You too" he says, turning and leaving you sigh slumping against the counter resting my head on the cash register.

"What's wrong?" Henry says, my boss says.

"Just some bad memories" i say.

"Oh it's going to be fine, we need more banana boom booms" He says, i nod walking to the back.


You sit watching Nayla and Niall eat in the corner and you fall back on the couch looking at the ceiling.

'Why did i come to this party?" you mumble to yourself.

"Who are you talking too?" Harry says, you turn looking at him.

"Myself, what does it look like?" you say.

"Wanna ditch?" he says.

"Sure to where?" you say, jumping up.

"Anywhere but here if i see another couple kiss i think i am going to explode" Harry says, i laugh.

"I know how you feel man" you say, you leave the party with Harry and you go to the park sitting by the lake with drinks.

"This is nice" Harry says.

"Right ....." i say.

"No couples and if i saw Niall feed Nayla another chocolate covered Strawberry i'd die" Harry says.

"Right" i say, we stare out at the lake.

"I'm sorry about Liam" he says.

"Don't be" i say.

"You derserve to be happy y/N" he says.

"I'm happy alone" You say, he chuckles.


"I don't wanna!" you whine, pushing Harry away.

"Please for me" he whines, you turn looking at him opening your mouth eating the rest of the food Harry made you, your doing better with eating with a little bit of force.

"Good now i'll leave you alone" he says.

"Thanks" you mumble, looking at the TV someone knocks on the door and you get up from the couch opening the door to NIall and your Ex best friend.

"Y/N" Niall says.

"What do you want" Harry says, pulling me back.

"Just need to talk to Y/N" Niall says.

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