- You catch them with your best friend (Mini Series)

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You're walking from starbucks back to you're apartment, drinking coffee you see your favroite mop of curls walking towards the park. you follow by instict and find him with your best friend Y/BF/N. you walk up closer hiding behind a tree and see them hug and he kisses the top of her head.

"When are you going to tell Y/N?" Y/BF/N says.

"Today i promise" Harry says.

"I thoughtof some names, if it's a girl it'll be Darcy your favorite name and if it's a boy Thomas" she says.

"Beautiful" Harry says, kissing her .

She's pregant with your boyfriends child, you're so furious you drop your coffee and idmeidatly call your mother and brother.


You're sitting at home in the dark eating ice cream, and watching a romantic movie marathon when the door swings open.

"Shush...." Liam whispers.

"I thought you said Y/N was visiting her mother" Your best friend whispers.

"Yeah but stilll" Liam says.

"We're going to be loud anyway" Your best friend giggles, they walk right pass you prosbably tipsy if the idiots didn't even realize you sitting there, you stare at them until the door closes behind them. you just sit there in shock and disgust you get up with your cover pillow and everything leaving the apartment.


You sit in the park with your book, fruite and the nice nature surrounding you, you hear laughing and look over and see Niall holding hands with you're best friend you lie down so they can't see you.

"She's so fat" Your best friend laughs.

"Yeah she just finished off my food" Niall laughs, he's talking about last night. you try not to cry standing up grabbing and an appple you chuck it at them.


You turn the shower off and walk from the bathrrom you here banging and thumping you walk towards your room you look through the cracks and see your best friend riding Louis.

"Fuck Y/BF/N" Louis moans.

"Yes louis your so thick" she moans, you frown biting you lip you turn around and walk to the bathroom getting dressed, closing the bathroom door gently.


"Fuck yeah Y/BF/N, right there suck hader" Zayn moans, you just sit in the closet trying not to cry playing with Zayn sneaker laces.

"Zayn i want you in me" You bestfriend moans, you hear moving then the bed starts creaking and shaking and there is loud moaning, you cover you mouth closing your eyes letting tears fall.

"Yes Y/BF/N your so tight...." Zayn moans.

"I love you Zayn" Your best friend moans.

"I love... i love you too" Zayn moans, you cry harder.

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