- You Come Home Drunk

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You stumble into the small condo you share with Harry and break into a giggling fit walking in you slam the door shut trying to close it queitly making you start to laugh more, you turn and the lights click on and you scream laughing.

"Where have you been?" Harry asks.

"Where have you been?" you state.

"Y/N" he says.

"Harry" you mumble.

"Your drunk" he says.

"Well your sober!" you say, swaying over to him trying to keep your balance.

"Y/N" he says.

"Yes?" you mumble, looking back at him.

"Let's just go to bed, will talk about this in the morning" he says, you nod giggling more he picks you up bridal style and carries you to the room as you laugh about absolutely nothing.


You stumble into the room tip toeing over to Liam, you hover over him with a smirk on your face you kneel down poking his cheek.

"Liam" you whisper, he stirs in his sleep so you poke him again. "Liam" you whisper again, he groans, turning over you giggle, poking him again. "Leee-YUmmmm!" you whisper loudly, his eyes flutter open and you drop to the floor giggling covering your mouth.

"Y/N? is that you?" Liam whisper.

"No i'm a ghost" you say, sitting up with your eyes covered he sighs.

"Are you drunk?" he says.

"Are you drunk" you say, peeking through your fingers at him.

"No i am not drunk.... come on get into bed" he says.

"You get into bed" you state smiling.

"I am in bed but i am missing my favorite girl" he says, you stand up.

"Let's go find her" you say, he laughs sitting up grabbing your waist and pulling you into the bed your laughing now he holds your waist tightly kissing your temple.

"Go to sleep" he whispers.

"No...." you say.

"Fine.... then i won't tell you where the buried treasure is" he says.

"Buried Treasure" you say, excitedly.

"Yes buried treasure but i can only tell you when you go to sleep" he says.

"Ok" you say, curling up into him.


"And then.... and then.... they said i couldn't finish the drink" you slur, to Niall who is angrily staring at you.

"Mmmhmm" he says, tapping his foot.

"So i did and i proved them wrong" you say, with a burp falling over laughing.

"Y/n" Niall says.

"Y/N isn't here right now please leave a message at teh beep" you say.

"Y/N" he says.

"BEEEPPPPP" you say, loudly he kneels down covering your mouth and he looks you in the eyes.

"I was worried sick about you" he whispers, you swat his hand away from your mouth.

"Why i am right here?" you question, he smiles.

"Yeah you are" he says, pulling you into a hug you rub his back.

"Shush Shush, it's ok baby no need to cry" you say, he laughs.


"Louis" you whisper to a sleeping louis.

"Hmm" he mumbles.

"Louis...." you whisper again.

"Y/N?" he questions, opening his eyes.

"Shush.... Don't wake Louis" you whisper, he sigh sitting up.

"Your drunk" he mumbles.

"Shush don't let Louis hear you" you whisper, covering his mouth.

"And who am i exactly?" Louis questions.

"Your WIlliam duh" you say, drunkly.

"Ok i won't tell Louis as long as you go to sleep" he says.

"Ok.... good night William" you say, going to sleep.


"Y/N GET OVER HERE!" Zayn yells, but you continue to run around the house in nothing but your bra and underwear, waving Zayn's boxers like a flag and he runs after you in nothing but a towel.

"Catch me if you can!" you yell, then you sleep falling and Zayn falls ontop of you.

"Caught you" he says.

"No you didn't" you mumble.

"Give me my boxers" he says, you giggle tucking them under your butt.

"What boxers?" you say, he sighs.

"Y/N don't make me" he says.

"Make you what i don't know what your talking about Mr. Naked man" you giggle, drunkily.

"Goodness gracious Y/N just give me my boxers" he says, and then he tickles you and you laugh giving him his boxers.

"There there!" you laugh.

"Good girl" he says.

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