Valentines Day

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Sorry this is a little belated, like two days. On Valentines day i was out with my brothers at the mall and well i came into some money (Thanks Mom) and i bought ITunes gift cards (BLESSED) and two books (DOUBLE BLESSED) and then went to see the spongebob movie, i am 16 and not ashamed to say i loved it.

So how was your Valentines Day ? comment below and if you didn't have one... I am here for you with open arms, and pizza.

Btw. this is Narry LOVE YAH, and if you want me to make another or make you one just comment below. Also loves it would be sweet if you went and read For Him (BOOK PROMOTION)
There she was, bakery boy. His perfect chocolate brown curls and bright green eyes that can make me melt.

"Niall.... Niall your drooling!" Liam says, smacking me. I come out of my daze I look at him.

"Rude" i mumble.

"Stop drooling and go ask him out!" Liam says.

"It's not that simple Li! You know him and Malik are like a item, that dark haired beauty always has his tongued shoved down Harry's throat every chance he gets" I say.

"I am confused, do you like Zayn or envy him?" Liam says.

"Both!" I groan, falling on the table.

"Is everything okay?" Harry says, I look up at the love of my life, Liam laughing.

"Everything is fine Harry thanks for asking.... But actually Niall here had something to ask you" Liam says, Harry looks at me and it feels like my tongue turned into liquid but Liam kicking me under the table brought me back.

"I am kind of playing at this club in the 14 and i wanted to know if you wanted to come" I yipe.

"The 14th? I was going to do something with Zayn but I'll drag him to your gig just text me the details" Harry smiles, before walking off my stomach dropped. He was coming but he was bringing his intimidating boyfriend who would probably bring his more intimidating friend Louis who had a thing for Liam.

"Great..." I mumble.
I stepped on stage with my guitar everyone clapping i spotted Liam who gave me a thumbs up. I sit down smiling when i see Harry with Louis who quickly goes over to Liam.

"Uh thanks for coming out, this next song is No Good For You By Meghan Trainor.... Its about someone hat is blind about what is really good for them" I say, my eyes fall on Harry.

"I miss that happy friend that I had
You've been acting so sad
Won't you come back? yeah yeah
You never take your time with your girls no more
Always with your new boy
But he ain't all that
But you don't know yet
His kiss is soft and sweet
He swept you off your feet
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
And I'm sure he's worth a lot of gold
But you're better than you know
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
That boy's no good for you
You're way too good for him
That boy's no good for you, for you
Wo-oh, wo-oh, wo-oh
No he no good, he no good for you
Wo-oh, wo-oh, wo-oh
No he no good, he no good for you
He drives those fancy cars that you like
But he doesn't call you at night
And tells you he loves you
And he's thinking of you
No you can't take him home for the holidays
Better keep him away
Cause he's such a tool, girl
Everyone will say that
His kiss is soft and sweet
He swept you off your feet
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
And sure he's worth a lot of gold
But you're better than you know
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
That boy's no good for you
You're way too good for him
That boy's no good for you, for you
Wo-oh, wo-oh, wo-oh
No he no good, he no good for you
Wo-oh, wo-oh, wo-oh
No he no good, he no good for you
Won't you take it from a friend
That boy is not a gentleman
And you'll find out soon enough
What you're feeling it ain't love
Cause he called me yesterday
And he asked me on a date
Tried to play you like a fool
And that's why I'm calling you
His kiss is soft and sweet
He swept you off your feet
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
And sure he's worth a lot of gold
But you're better than you know
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
His kiss is soft and sweet
He swept you off your feet
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
And sure he's worth a lot of gold
But you're better than you know
He's no good for you
He's no good for you
That boy's no good for you
You're way too good for him
That boy's no good for you, for you
Wo-oh, wo-oh, wo-oh
No he no good, he no good for you
Wo-oh, wo-oh, wo-oh
No he no good, he no good for you" i sing. When i finish everyone applauds i walk off stage.

"That was amazing" Liam says.

"Thanks Li" i say.

"It wasn't that bad Blondie" Louis says, i smile taking it as the closest thing to a compliment i was going to get from him.

"Niall" Harry says, i turn to him smiling.

"Hey.... Did you like the song?" I say.

"Yes.... And i know who its about" Harry smiles, my face pales. He pulls me into a hug, i smile hugging him back.

"So i am late and your already hooking up with other boys little slut!" Zayn says, Harry sucks in a breath pulling away from me. Zayn was clearly drunk.

"Zayn its not like that" i say.

"I wasn't talking to you" he says, shoving me.

"That was rude" i say, running my fingers through my hair.

"I said i wasn't talking to you" he says, i didn't have time to dodge he punches me and i fall to the floor.

"Niall!" Liam yells, Louis pulls Zayn away.

"Niall are you okay?" Harry says.

"I am fine" i mumble, holding my cheek.
"Are you sure your okay?" Harry says.

"Yeah... Thanks for walking me home" i say.

"Its nothing.... I am around the corner..." Harry says.

"Good night Harry" i say.

"Good night Niall... Happy Valentines Day" Harry says, kissing my nose. I was speechless he turns skipping away.

"Happy Valentines Day"

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