- He thinks your cheating

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You walk into the house, closing the door you drop your bags, shuffling to your couch falling down when the lights click on.

"Where have you been" Harry says, you turn looking at him standing in the hallway, in nothing but his boxers.

"Work" i mumble.

"It's nearly midnight" he says.

"I had to work late" you mumble, he stares at you.

"I can't believe this i just can't" he says, turning away walking down the hall you groan getting up and walking after him.

"What, Harry?" you say.

"I clean, and cook all day and all i want is my baby bear home on time to have dinner with me is that all i have to ask" he says, you smirk.

"Oh Hazza bear it will never happen again" you say.

"Yeah right" he says.

"What is that supposed to mean?" you say.

"Who is he?" he says, looking at you, you frown.

"Who is who?" you say.

"Don't play dumb Y/N who is he, the man your seeing i deserve to know" he says, crossing his arms. you start laghing really loud. "This isn't funny Y/N" he says, pouting you stop laughing covering you mouth.

"Babe" you say, through the laughter. "I'm laughing because your jealous..... you want to know what man i'm seeing... his name is Kyro he's a new baby panda at the zoo who needs special help that's why i've been staying late" you laugh, he stares at you and frowns.

"Oh baby i am sorry!" he says.

"It's fine, my jelly baby" you say, walking over to him and kissing his nose.


You walk into the house and you hear Niall and Zayn are  over you walk pass them into your room dropping your stuff, and then walking back into the living room.

"Hey guys" you say.

"Hey Y/N" Zayn and Niall say; nothing from Liam.

"Whats wrong Li?" you mumble, walking over to him sitting on his lap. he looks away from you and towards the wall.

"He isn't talking to you" Niall says.

"And why not?" I mumble. He only shrugs and I frown turning to Liam. "Lili whats wrong?" you whisper.

"Who were you with and dont lie" he says, not looking at me.

"Jacob" I say, he looks at me.

"Who the hell is he and why were you with him?" Liam says, angrily yiu smile.

"He is my cousin and I was showing him around cause he was new to the area" I say, he stares at me.

"Oh baby I am sorry" he says, you smirk.

Your brothers friend was drunk and being the saint you were, you drove him home.  when you dropped him off he gave you a sloppy kiss on the cheek thanking you and then you go. when you get home Niall is on his phone on twitter as always.

"Hey Ni, Im home" you say, he looks up at you and then back down at his phone. you sit down next to him resting his head on his shoulder.

"Who is he?" Niall says, angry?.

"Who is who?" you say.

"The guy who kissed you" he says, still not looking at you.

"You mean carlos?" i say, he looks at you.

"Are you fucking him?" Niall says.

"No Ni, he's like 3 years older then me and plus he's my brothers best friend"i say, he nods.

"OK.." he says, leaning and kissing your forehead.

"Ok" you laugh.


You sit at your desk at working when there is a loud crash.

"Y/N!" Louis yells, you stop typing your heart thudding. you turn looking at Louis along with everyone else.

"Lou...." you say, standing.

"Where is he?" Louis says.

"Where is who?" you say.

"Don't play dumb Y/N where is the guy your fucking!" Louis yells, your face heats up everyone looks at you. You stomp over to Louis grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the elevators. 

"Louis there is now guy!" you yell.

"Don't lie to me! i saw you with him at lunch there all over the internet!" he yells.

"No you big jealous iditot, what you saw was me having lunch with my co worker Sam, who is gay" i say, he stares at me.

"How gay?" he says.

"Fabulous gay..." i say, he laughs rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh.... probably should have called you" he says.

"Yeah" you say.


You walk into your bed room when the door closes behind you it's dark, you drop your things when someone slams you agaisnt the door.

"Zayn?" you mumble.

"So you think you can cheat on me and get away with it?" he says, before you can say anything he smashes his lips roughly agaisnt yours. He grabs your arm flinging you on the bed before you can say something he's ontop of you. "You say nothing or you get it worst, got that?" he says, and then he hand cuffs your hands to the bed, he rips your shirt off and your bra, he leaves kisses all over your body and pulls down your skirt and underwear. you bite back a moan, you see him through the dim light of the moon. "Legs, open now" he says, you spread your legs going down on you, you moan loudly, wiggling.

"Fuck.... Zayn" you moan, you moan biting your tongue, he pulls away.

"What did i say, you little slut!" he yells, you bite your tongue. he sticks three fingers into you and you moan louder, he gropes your chest. Making you moan he pulls away undoing your handcuffs. he crawls over to you leaning over you. "I'm going to fuck you senseless" he growls, and without warning he slams into you, making you grab his back digging your nails into his back as he pounds into you. 

WIth every thrust you hear: 

Your mine

Nobody elses

Nobody gets to you

You moan, arching your back as you both release falling down, Zayn pulls out hovering over you. he turns sitting next to you, you sit up.

"Zayn...." you mumble. 

"What?" he says, you wrap his arms around his shoulders.

"Zayn i didn't cheat on you...." you whisper.

"Don't lie to me Y/N" he says.

"I didn't...." you say.

"But.... But..... Harry said he saw you with someone and you kissed.... on the lips!" he says, you giggle.

"That's was my sister, she cut her hair really short she was visiting me.... we always kiss on the lips.... is that werid?" you say.

"No..." he says.

"YOu not mad?" you say.

"No..... Y/n i am so so so sorry for what i just did!" he says, pushing you down climbing ontop of you.

"It's fine Zayn... i kind of liked it" you say, smikring. 

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