Prank Call (Part 2)

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You make it to the fancy restaurant you cling to Natalie and Lacey like your lives depended on it, you three stuck out like a sore thumb. They take you to a table and despite of what you wanted you sit in between Harry and Liam, Lacey sits in between Niall and Louis and Natalie is between Liam and Zayn.

"So what are you girls majoring in?" Niall ask.

"I am, science and Medical" Natalie says.

"Drama" Lacey says.

"Majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing" you say.

"Impressive" Liam says, your face heats up.

"What is this for.... I know its not for some stupid prank call" Lacey says, Natalie nods frantically. The boys all look at each other before Liam clears his throat.

"We need you three.... to be our surrogates..." Liam says, Natalie spits her water.

"Your what now!" She yells.

"Lets face it, being one direction were not going to keep steady relationships.... And were not going to be in a long enough relationship where we end up with a kid" Louis says.

"So you think getting Surrogates is the perfect solution!" I say.

"Yes cause no one but us will know..." Harry says.

"How is this going to work? There is 5 of you and three of us" Lacey says.

"We already did the calculations, Since Zayn is the most attractive he will have two so Harry and Niall have Natalie, Louis and Zayn will have Lacey and Zayn and I would have Y/N" Liam says.

"Okay.... That makes sense..." Natalie nods.

"One more questions, how is this going to be done?" Natalie ask.

"The traditional way would be way to messy... We have a doctor, he is going to mix our sperm and put it in you" Zayn explains.

"That was disgustingly graphic but coming out of your mouth it sounded soooo sexy" Lacey says, You and Natalie start laughing and laugh harder at the boys reactions.
"You are what!" Your mom yells.

"Pregnant...." You say.

"And who is the father?" She says,

"Fathers....." You say.

"There is two!" She yells.

"Mum, calm down.... now you have to promise not tell anyone want i am about to tell you.... Okay?" You say.

"I can keep a secret dear, not like i have one of those twitbookstagrams all you young kids have" she says.

"Twitbookstagram? Really mom..." You say.

"Just tell me, I'm not getting any younger" she says, so you tell your mother everything from the prank call all the way down to being 2 months pregnant along side Lacey and Natalie, also moving into a secluded house where no one can find.
"This is so boring, being pregnant is so much work!" Lacey groans.

"I never thought we'd be pregnant all at the same time" Natalie says, finishing the bowl of popcorn.

"Right.. it feels so weird..." You say, there is a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lacey yells, walking to the door.

"It's us" Liam says, Lacey opens the door and the boys walk in.

"Come sit down Lace" Harry says.

"You guys don't seem very happy" Natalie says, Lacey sits down beside.

"Now girls be completely honest with us.... Did any of you tell someone about this? About being pregnant?!" Louis says.

"I told my mum.... but she isn't very hip... She thinks Tumblr is a entire website dedicated to gymnastics" you say.

"I haven't told anyone..." Natalie says.

"I told my grandfather, but he could barely hear me... Why?" Lacey says.

"Well someone leaked that there our three girls pregnant with our babies" Liam says.

"I did" someone says, walking into the living room.

"Holy fish sticks, how'd you get in here!" Natalie says.

"Simon... You told?" Harry says.

"Yes boys... I told, this is wonderful publicity!" Simon says.

"Simon this wasn't supposed to be for publicity! We're not going to be young forever and lets face it our fans are never going to like anyone we date.... We wanted a family and we don't want these girls caught up in our world!" Liam says.

"To late for that" he says.

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