-Your last words-

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You lay on the floor blood everywhere you cough up more blood Harry runs to your side.

“Oh god Y/n what happened” Harry cries, you cough trying to speak but nothing come out. “Don’t talk the police are coming” Harry cries.

“You’re my favorite person in the world…. I…will….always….love” you start, but then you close your eyes your breathing goes slower, slower and slower.

“Y/N? Y/N!” Harry cries, soon you stop breathing.


You’re lying in bed coughing Liam rushes in and sits next to .

“Babe are you ok” Liam says, he pulls you into his lap.

“I’m not going to last Liam” you cough.

“Don’t say that” he cries.

“Liam just remember I always love you….”  You cough, he strokes your face.

“Don’t leave me please” he cries.

“I love you Li” you mutter before closes your eyes.

“Y/N No don’t go” Liam says, crying stroking your face you breathe you last breathe.


Your running through the streets Niall chasing after you for the M&M’s you have, you run in the streets laughing turning to Niall.

“Catch me” you laugh, he runs up to you when you get hit by a car and it just drives off, you can’t feel anything just the cold hard ground.

“Y/N” Niall yells, you cough up blood he comes pulls him to you lap.

“Here’s the M&M” you cough.

“No baby” he cries.

“I love you Nialler” you whisper, he grabs you cheek.

“Don’t leave I love you please” he cries, stroking his face.

“Bye Nially” you cough.

“Y/N No” Niall cries, you close your eyes and you grip on Niall loosens.  


You walking down the street when two men with guns come from nowhere you scream and Louis holds you.

“Give me all your money” one of them screams.

“Alright we don’t want any trouble” Louis says, taking out his wallet and taking out all the money his has, he hands it to him but a gun fire goes off anyway, you scream but it isn’t Louis you look down at your stomach and blood is everywhere.

“What the hell man he gave us the money” one man screams, you fall but Louis catches me.

“Y/N” he screams.

“Loubear…” you cough.

“Y/N stay with me please stays with me” he cries.

“I love you Loubear” you say, holding your stomach.

“Don’t go please stay with me…” Louis cries.

“I love you Louis…” you say, he cries harder holding you tightly.

“Please…” he cries.

“I love you Lou” you say, before everything goes black.


You and Zayn just had a big fight and now you’re walking on the edge of the tallest bridge in town Zayn is yelling after you.

“Y/N gets from up there your scaring me” he says, you turn to him and he standing in front of you.

“I love you Zayn, I always have and I always will” I say.

“Y/N what are you doing?” he says.

“Bye Zayn” he says, leaning down and kissing him on the lips.

“Y/N” he says, you turn facing the water he tries to grab you but you jump all you hear is him screaming your name as you hit the water.

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