- You Catch him with your best friend (Part 5 1/2)

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 Some people were wondering what was going to happen to Niall's baby and since they only let me dedicate it to one person these are the people:



And many other people that say it was good THANKS i love you all !!!

 Also by the way there is no way in hell I’d ever in a million bazillion years believe that Niall would ever do this and ever be so mean, so don't think that i think that Niall is this mean because i am a Niall girl and plan on marrying Niall in the near future.... so yeah enjoy



"Push!" the doctor yells, you do until you hear the light cries of you baby,

"And it's a beautiful baby girl" the doctor says, your clouded by pain resting your head on the pillow.

"You did it" Harry whispers, holding your hand.

"I did...." you whisper, closing your eyes the nurses come back with you baby and you sit up and hold the baby, you hold her and she has your eyes and his brunnet hair.

"Hello beautiful" Harry whispers.

"What would you like to name her?" the nurse asks

"Katy" you say, that was the name you and boys agreed on.

"Katy it is" the nurse says, walking away.

"Hi Katy...." you whisper.

"I'll go get the other boys" Harry says, leaving the room. you sit there looking at Katy her arms out her mouth open crying.

"It's ok....mommy's here" you say, wiping away her tears the door to the room closes you look up and see Niall standing with your best friend, or ex best friend. "What are you doing here?" you say.

"I came here to see my child" he says.

"The child you wanted me to abort" you say.

"I have rights Y/N and that's why we’re going to court..." he says.

"What" you say.

"I want full custody of my daughter because i believe you’re unfit to care for her" Niall say.

"What are you talking about!" you say, he walks up handing you papers. Then he leaves your ex best friend gives you a smirk before closing the then the boys right in

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