- He finds your secret

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You tried you honestly really did upsetting the council was something you didn't want to do, and the fact that it was human made it evemn worst he's not competely sure but you know he is thinking of it his aura is all in waves and his mind is practically screaming IS THIS TRUE OR NOT. you just have to play it off like it's not true or he'll have his memory of you erased and since you've known him since one direction started that isn't such a good thing.

"Y/N" he says, you look uo at him.

"What?" you say, tapping your fingers on the table.

"I want to ask you something and i want you to be competely honest with me" he says.

"What?" you say.

"Are you a witch?" he says, you start laughing not to hard and not to soft because thne he'd know that your lying. you stop laughing wiping your mouth and rubbing the back of your neck.

"Of course not Harry" you say.

"Because i found this book in your closet and..." he starts.

"You were in my closet?" you say.

"Only to get my shoes i swear i wasn't plannng on finding it, i dropped a hangers and put it back and the book fell on my head" he says.

"Are you ok?" you say.

"I'm peachy honey' he says.

"Harry to be honest it was just an old book my mom bought me at a thrift shop it has no meaning what so ever" you lie.

"Are you sure..." he says.

"Postive" you say.

"Because i was reading some of the words and things started to happen" he says. wait what? only witches and warlocks unles.

"Harry are you a warlock?" you say, he smirks.

"Took you long enough, i thought witches could read minds" he says.

"Your good! you pull the wool over my mind i didn't even see that" you say.

"I know a spell where i can go undetected by other witches and warlocks, you know just in case a fan finds out and tells people and then i will never hear the end of this from the coucil" he says, i smile.

"Harry Styles, we're going to get along just fine" you say, smirking.


Not even your best friend knew this and when you walked in on Zayn reading your diary something he does regularly apperently and he just so happened to find the page, about you being a fairy. your tall for your age but your a water fairy that is why you don't go swimming, to the beach or shower publicly; not even shower with Zayn which pisses him off because he wants to spend time with his little butterfly.

"Your a fairey?" he says, looking up at you.

"Why are you reading my diary!" you yell, yanking it from his arms.

"Your a fairy?" he says, again.

"Yes..." you answer.

"I don't believe it.." he says, you sigh walking opening the bathroom door turning on the sink you walk into the room and using your fairy magic you make the water go from the sink into the the room letting it flow through the air weaving through your fingers circling above Zayn's hand you let it go dropping it on his head.

"Stop reading my diary!" you say, turning the faucet off from the room.

"Sorry.... i just can't believe this" he says.

"Wel'll believe it" you says.


You stare angrily at your little sister who covers her mouth, you mother and father stare at her with anger to and shock.

"Y/S/N!" you growl.

"Wh-what did she just say?" Niall says, you turn to him.

"Nothing..." you lie.

"Y/n the truth now!" he says, you frown grabbing his hand you look once last time at your sister and then pull Niall into your families backyard. closing the door you sit on the porch he follows.

"You weren't suppose to find out... not like this i was going to tell you in the future... when i was 15 i had sex with my first ever boyfriend who soon after left and never talked to me again, 9 months later i gave birth to my daughter who i gave away her name was avery.... my aunt ruby who was ubable to have kids took her in and this was a big family secret no one knows, except you now" you say not looking at him.

"Y/N.... why didn't you tell me?" he says.

"I was afraid" you whimper, tears streaming down your face.

"Afraid of what?" he says.

"That you'd leave me.... just like he did... you are the best thing that's happened to me in years and if you left....i-i woudn't be able to fuction" you sniggle he pulls you into a hug.

"I want to meet her..." he says.

"What?" you say.

"I want to meet Avery..." he whispers.


You stare at Louis who stares at you then looking down at the paper in his hands.

"So what your telling me your a criminal?" he says, you look down at the table.

"I have a perfect explanation" you say.

"Go on please explain" he says.

"When i was little i was alone Lou, i wasn't able to live without taking stuff that wasn't then it became an habit" you say.

"Your on the FBI's most wanted list.... how did i not know this" he says.

"Being a criminal means keeping things away from the people you love" i say.

"So a liar" he says.

"To keep you safe if i told you all the things i did you would go to jail with me because the police would think you were helping me, this is for your own good Lou" you say.

"How can i help you boo" he says.

"Bu-but" you start.

"Being in love means doing anything and everything to make your lover happy, i love you boo" he says.

"I love you Lou bear" he says. 


It wasn't a big secret but it was a bad one, the last thing you wanted to do was for Liam to be angry with you but one drunken night with drinks and everything with the boys Harry stupidly said.

"Y/N and made out before"

"what?" Liam says, when you get home niether one of you drunk.

"It was mistake... honestly" you say.

"When were you going to tell me about this mistake?" he says.

"Your funeral.... or my funeral... which ever came first" you say.

"Y/N!" Liam yells.

"What! i am just telling the truth Liam i love you with all my heart but that one night we had that fight Harry was there and we started drinking and things went a little out of hand" you say.

"Well then i guess i have to show you who you belong too" he says.

"Wh-what" you say.

"Yur being punished baby, this is going to be a long night for you" he says, smirking.

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