Purple and Blue -Idea-

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My school has been talking a lot about domestic violence. How you should speak up and no real man hits a lady, and all that. I want to see if you like this story idea it's about a girl in an abusive relationship with Liam.

Hope you like it.
"Your worthless piece of shit, can't you do anything fucking right!" Liam yells.

It was one of those night, he must have had a fight with a friend or something. I didn't do anything wrong.

"Liam... Sorry" i whimper.

"It's to late for sorry's" he growls.

I'm on the floor now, my cheek stinging. I can barely react when Liam kicks me, he keeps kicking me before stopping.

"When i get back I don't want to see your fucking face" he growls. Before leaving, that meant he was going to get some whore, when the door slammed shut I stood up slowly limping to our room grabbing a cover before limping into the bathroom and crawling into the tub.
I didn't go to sleep that night, Liam came back with some whore and they were really loud. When I did manage to fall asleep it was barely 30 minutes when Liam turned the cold water on in the shower.

"Wake up whore" he growls, he is still mad. I climb out of the tun shivering taking the cover and throwing it into the dryer. I walk into our room putting on fresh clothes. A black long sleeve shirt and some sweatpants. "Make me some breakfast, make yourself useful for once"

"Okay..." I whispered, before walking to the kitchen. I quickly make his favorite, scrambled eggs with buttered toast and waffles. I set the single plate on the table sitting down. I wasn't aloud to eat when Liam was home, if I did he would tell me how i'd eat like a pig. He sits down and starts eating, without a thank you.

"I'm coming home late tonight, I have some business" Liam says, business as in having sex with some intern in his office.


"What are you doing today" he questions.

"Nothing..." I say, I was probably going to invite Sophia over, or maybe Harry but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Okay... Bye, clean this up" he says, getting up to get ready. I clean up the plate and do the rest of the dishes before sitting on the couch waiting for Liam to leave. "See you tonight, dinner on the table at 6" he says, I nod and he kisses my forehead. He leaves and then I use the house phone to call Sophia and invited her over.

I am not a loud to have any electronic devices, and with the house phone it alerts Liam of any suspicious calls via text, for example the police. I had only tried calling them once Liam came home just in time to explain to them that it was nothing, they believed him. He beat me senseless that night, I could barely walk.

"Hey babe" Sophia says, when I open my door.

"Hey Soph" I say, letting her in she sits down and I sit beside her.

"Are you okay?" She says.

"No..." I say, biting my lip I start sobbing and then fall into her lap. " I can't do this anymore.."

"Baby... Come on you know Harry and I can help you" Sophia whispers.

"He'll find me... He always finds me" I cry. She silently rubs my back.

"I hate seeing you like this" she whispers.

I hate seeing myself like this.

Purple and blue bruises, red marks and cuts all over my body. I stared in the full length mirror, I finished eating just as Liam got home and he was eating I excused myself for a bath.

"What's taking you so god damn long?" He yells. i quickly get dressed pulling my black hair into a ponytail, I walk into our bed room climbing into bed. "I'm horny" Liam states climbing into bed and forcing my clothes off.

I hated him.

I curled up in a ball, he had a strong grip on me. I could barely breath let alone move as usual I didn't get any sleep all I can think about is how Liam fucks some girl and then comes home to me.

I'm worthless.
Today was one of the good days. Liam left early to work so I got dressed and went to the park, where I knew Zayn and Harry would be playing footie.

"Princess" Harry says, pulling me into a hug I try not to wince. Then Zayn pulls me into a hug.

"How are you babe" Zayn ask, Zayn doesn't know what's going on. If he did he would probably kill Liam, Zayn was like my big brother always there for me then I met Sophia and Harry. If I told Zayn about Liam and I, Zayn would kill Liam no hesitation and I couldn't put Zayn in that position.

"Good" I smile.

"Good, I never see you anymore" he says, kissing the side of my head.


I spend the rest of the day with Harry and Zayn, we meet Sophia at the mall and I had a genuinely good day, I got home before 6 to make dinner, but Liam was already home.

"Hello" he says.

"Hi" i squeak, my smile fading.

"What were you doing today?" He asked.

"Hanging with Sophia..." I say.

"Your lying, you fucking slut" he yells, standing. "I am going to ask you one more fucking time, what were you doing today" he says.

"I was with Zayn and Harry" I whimper.

"Exactly you little slut, always wanting more what did I say about being around them"

"That you didn't like it"

"And you disobey me!" He yells, slapping me. I hit the floor, holding my cheek. "You pathetic piece of shit"

"Sorry Liam"

"Your such a whore!" He kicks me.


I slept in the bathroom, even thought I didn't have to. I had to leave here when I was sure Liam was asleep I packed as much clothes as I could in the dark, before leaving.

This is never going to work. The voice in the back of my head says. I make it to Zayn's house I know Harry and Sophia will be there, I am wearing sunglasses, Zayn opens the door.

"Iris? It's late" Zayn yawns.

"Zayn I am leaving town for a while..." I say.

"What... Where?" He says.

"Probably to my mums and then somewhere..." I whisper.

"Why are you whispering? What's going on?" He says.

"I love you zee" I say, kissing his cheek and leaving -------------------------------------
How'd you like it?

And if you think this is a stupid idea, please tell me i'll understand.

Domestic violence is a very bad topic, to try and base a love story on.

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