Fool's Gold

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1. For those reading, For Him. I apologize for the slow updates It's just really hard and my phone has like NO space for the word app and thats the thing i use soooo Sorry.

2. Elastic Heart is now up! So go get on that! And enjoy and tell me what you like:

3. Please comment or PM ant request i am running low on ideas guys, come on.

Lastly, this isn't really announcement BUT I am officially in love with Ben J Pierce.his youtube name KidPOV. He is only 15 but he is Bae and it hurts cause he lives in Texas and I live... Not in Texas... but a girl can dream. But you should totally check him out cause he is totally adorable!

That's all

"Y/N sorry about last night... How about we meet up tonight?" He says.

"Yeah... It's fine" you say, with a fake smile.

"So how about movie marathon? You and me rom-com all night" she says.

"Sounds fun.... Bring popcorn" you smile.

"Of course, two bags of kettle corn" he smiles.
You open the door to Niall, but not only Niall.

"Barbara" you say.

"Hey y/n...." She smiles.

"C-come inside" you say, letting them inside.

"It's okay with her here right?" Niall says, and you smile. That night was you spent in your love seat with an bowl of kettle corn, and every once in a while looking over at Niall and Barbara snuggling on the couch.
"Your such a freaking fool" Harry says.

"Thanks Haz" you say.

"Your in love with him, and you let him do whatever he wants!" He says.

"What else am i supposed to do?" You say.

"Date someone else! Stop falling for fools gold!" He says.

"What?" You say.

"Fools gold... It's fake gold that tricked people into believe they had something they didn't... And I am afraid my friend that is you and Irish boy" Harry says.

"Fool's Gold...." You say.

"Fool's Gold" he says.
"Hey Y/N... I texted you last night, and you didn't reply" Niall says.

"I was on a date" you answer, shutting your locker.

"Date? With who!" Niall says.

"Harry's friend Zayn, he is community college" you answer.

"Where you go?" He says.

"Just the movies and Chipolet" you shrug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Niall says.

"Didn't realize I needed too... But if it makes you feel better, We're going out again tonight he is taking me to a club" you say, turning and leaving.
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Horrible ending I know, shameful... Couldn't think of one... But HERE YOU GO

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