-They commit suicide

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*cut me some slack for this one I did it on my iPod*


You come home from a long day of cleaning tables, getting your butt slapped and getting yelled at by your boss and all you want is to cuddle up with your hazza bear.

"Harry" you call out with no answer, you walk into the living room and see Harry holding a bottle in his hand, you start frantically screaming falling to your knees shaking him but he doesn't wake.

Lately things have been hard for him, his job the boys always yelling at him and the fans it must have gotten to him and now your hazza bear is gone.


Lately Liam has been under a lot of pressure, to impress everyone and to make everyone happy. he's been really sad and almost never leaves your room.

You come home from the store, you bought popcorn, candy and every batman movie they had. you run upstairs to get Liam and when you open the door you scream looking at Liam hang from the ceiling, written in sharpie on the wall.

'It was too much'


Lately everyone has been angry at Niall he either doesn't do something or does something wrong. the fans have gone back to saying he doesn't deserve to be in the group, and the Guys are acting like it also.

You want to cheer Niall up, so after work you stop by nandos and get his favorite dish then go to Safeway and get ice cream. when you get home you walk into the kitchen happily and drop everything screaming as you see Niall on the floor his wrist slit and on a piece of paper it says.



You and Louis just had a really big fight, you hate when you fight but something always happens. you decided to take a car ride alone leaving Louis to cool off.

When you get home you walk inside and it's completely silent. you walk upstairs looking for Louis and you open the bathroom door and see him under water you scream diving getting him from the water but it's too late your Lou bear is gone.


You drive frantically getting to the bridge jumping out you run and see Zayns sitting figure slouched leaning against the bridge.

"Zayn!" you yell, he looks at you sadly.

"I always loved you, you know" he says, you nod wiping your eyes.

"Get from down there Zayn" you yell, he leans a little kidding your forehead.

"Love you" he whispers, before turning and before you can grasp him he slips off the edge into the water, you scream after him running to the edge.

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